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In the deep dark world of the three letter government agencies information is valuable, and techniques to get said information are just as valuable.

There's tons of ways to get info out of a person, some don't even involve torture.... Which for the spooks makes it less fun but under threat of pain any person would say any sorts of outrageous bs to get out of it.

As such, "humane" interrogations that don't involve pain but can still mentally shatter the person being questioned are still being used and developed further to this day. Waterboarding is so popular because of that, the trauma and pain of drowning without most of the consequences, what's not to love?

In the case of the Losers' club, aka the FBSI, they have more freedom when it comes to their methods, since the information the FBSI is assign to get is so worthless it doesn't really matter how they get it, it's not like

1) It matters

and 2) The public will believe the FBSI even exists

So FBSI's squads are free to experiment with their techniques and maybe if they are lucky the big three later agencies will later steal them and claim them as their own for possible bonuses at the end of the year.

When it comes to the Dud Squad... Every girl has their own preferred technique. Darling has her bugs, Deacon is old fashioned so she's quite fond of dripping torture and using pointy objects, Dash likes a hand off approach, just leave the people being questioned in uncomfortable, damp, tight spaces and leave them on their own for an hour or two while she goes on the web, it's pretty much free time for her. Duster doesn't talk much so she never does interrogations on her own, usually she helps with any other techniques the girls are using.

That leaves Daisy and Doc. Daisy had a 'bad cop' approach. Screaming at the person, berating them , humiliating them, a good push and/or a slap here and then... It was a great stress reliever. Doc on the other hand had a more of a 'good cop' approach, she was bound to the Hippocratic oath after all. She would say things like "Just give me what I want and I'll leave you alone" even if sometimes that was a lie and the person being questioned was going straight to a shallow ditch in the middle of the desert. Doc was also fond of using experimental chemicals and drugs that she would sometimes synthesize herself, so called 'truth serums' she found it more moral than mistreating the person being questioned but these solutions most of the times had really gruesome adverse effects, from turning the person insane to paralyzing them and making half their brain shut down.

For those reasons Doc wasn't used for interrogations much, unless the girls' methods got a little out of hand and the person being questioned ended up with extra bruises.

There was another technique that interested Doc... Tickling. While it sounds silly and weird... Tickling can be an effective interrogation method. It's mostly harmless when used in appropriate amounts, it gives a vibe of awkwardness that makes anyone feel uncomfortable, it's humiliating and the sensation can be unpleasant enough to classify it as a torture.

Some people weren't ticklish and that proved to be a problem but it was nothing a few sensibility enhancing solutions and creams, along with finding the perfect tickling spot,  couldn't fix.

Plus with the right applications it could be an effective killing method if the situation called for it. People could die from laughter after all.

Doc researched this method for a while, coming up with the best techniques and chemical compounds needed to make it more effective but she never used it. That was for several reasons:

-She needed approval from the big shadowy boss herself, Deacon. Who relentlessly mock her for it.

-It wasn't only embarrassing for the victim but for herself too. A dignified, PhD- bearing woman  doing that to a person? Unthinkable.

-If the person was into it... It made things much more complicated.

Doc had everything she needed but never said much about it, only confiding that information to Daisy and Duster, whom she trusted the most, even if Daisy mocked her a bit.

So Doc's tickling research remained in limbo... Until the newest squad member entered from coffee heaven to bless them.

Dip changed everything around the offices in more than one way. It was the first male the squad had seen in years that wasn't old, disgusting, a criminal, an insane person, a superior or all of those characteristics combined.

He brought morale up and he fed the group plus he lent them a place to stay that wasn't Deacon's horrible cramped apartment complex that she bought just for her squad.

After getting accustomed to him, a conversation between Daisy and Doc had the subject of tickling pop up once more. With a fang bearing smug and a slight hint of a blush... Daisy reminded Doc that Dip was new blood and that he could be used for "research". Both for the effectiveness of her methods and their application.

Doc scoffed at hearing the proposal. Would Daisy really want her boyfriend to be subjected to that? Daisy didn't back down, the blondie reminded Doc that her methods were painless and weren't harmful so testing them out of a relatively young and sensitive subject would be a great opportunity to test her theories.

That conversation they had while enjoying their lunch on the outside of the office dragged, their caffeinated drinks provided by the same boy they discussed activating her neurons... Making the opportunities seem more clearer. Daisy stared intently at her elder, looking for more replies that she could turn around to make her arguments more convincing, but she really didn't need to. Doc wanted to do it but... Using Dip in such a way felt wrong... The boy would most likely be happy to help, he was a sweetheart like that, but putting him through a quasi torture method didn't sit right with her.

Daisy chuckled, suggesting turning the tables then. Have Doc write down the techniques and have Dip do it on both of them, they'd be the best judges to see if they are effective or not. Doc then reminded Daisy that one of the conditions about working on the three later agencies is having your corporal sensibility removed through medicine and operations to make torture and leaks of information harder, Daisy then retorted that Doc's compounds could make up for their lack of ticklishness. If they worked, that is.

There was no other argument Doc could make, she was cornered. The only way out of it would be saying that Duster could do it but Duster would refuse to be a test subject and it would take a lot of convincing to make her the interrogator, even then Daisy would tell her to make Dip tag along.

Defeated and with a sigh, the older woman relented. Saying that they could do it, but preferably in Dip's apartment because it was more spacious. Daisy was joyous.

The dates were set, Doc shared the basic information Dip could learn to Daisy and everything began to get set up. The wait was a bit torturous for Doc, the anxiety and anticipation of the whole thing was palpable, she left that at the back of her mind however as she didn’t want Deacon of all people getting involved. Her interactions with Daisy and Dip were as normal as they could be and she trusted that Daisy would be able to hide what they were doing well enough from Deacon.

Over the next few days Dip looked as normal as he could, still as clumsy and slow witted but well intentioned as always, he seemed a bit more flustered around Doc than usual but it was hard to notice.

Eventually the day arrived. Conveniently planned on a day where Deacon had to leave for a reunion with the leader of the other Squads and a day where the Snack Bar Cafe would be closed.

Daisy and Doc arrived at Dip’s shared apartment, where his roommate was thankfully playing video games, being already informed by Dip that guests would arrive and not wanting to deal with them, the roommate closed herself within her room, wanting to be left alone. Everything went just as planned.

Doc took notice of Dip, he seemed happy and excited. He wasn’t as good at hiding his emotions as Daisy or herself but she could see his excitement being confused as an everyday thing which was a bit of a relief in keeping all of this under wraps.
His bed was ready, neatly done. Improvised handcuffs and rope at the side. Both Doc and Daisy could easily break out of them but they would suffice for this little “test run”.

Doc, as calm and collected as she always was, removed her socks slowly, placing them neatly under Dip’s bed while Daisy just kicked her boots and took off her socks in one go, acting as if this was her home, which technically… At this point, it was.

Both sat down, legs extended and arms behind their backs, indicating to Dip what knots to make for both comfort and stability. Then Dip put on some latex gloves before using the bottle of fast acting sensibility cream on their feet letting it drip down their soles as he rubbed it all over. He focused on Doc first and then on Daisy, making sure neither girl lacked attention.

It was easy to tell Dip already had a lot of practice thanks to Daisy, Doc could see how she melted at his touch, smiling widely with her eyes closed, trying to contain some moans in her closed lips as a soft blush colored her face. It felt nice for the older woman as well, she couldn’t help but to also smile as she felt his thumbs pressing against her wrinkly soles, how her toes involuntarily separated and twitched a bit at the nice sensation of this thumb rubbing her mature, tired soles, how she scrunched her soles after seeing his fingers depart and work on Daisy. It was really pleasant and it’s something the woman would love to do more often… Maybe not with the lotion, however… The effects acted quickly and even slight touches were already giving her tickles.

Once both girls were ready… Dip quickly closed up the bottle with the lotion and carefully disposed of the gloves, then he climbed on top of the bed.

Daisy looked relaxed, almost smug. Doc was a little bit more level headed in the situation, enjoying the sensations of both the nice rub and the cool air of Dip’s room but at the same time a little anxious. It had been forever since she’s been tickled, she had forgotten how it personally felt.

It quickly came back to her as Dip ran a finger down her sole, causing her to jolt and jump in place as she let out a single giggle. It was confirmation that the lotion indeed worked.

Then without even a single hint of hesitation… Dip began to work.

Using the techniques as indicated by both women. Dip focused on Doc at first, using a technique that she immediately recognized. She recognized those movements on her soles, the way his nails buried in her skin, she had studied so much that even like this she recognized what technique was being used… But she couldn’t say or do much because she was currently laughing her head off. She threw her body back and laugh wholeheartedly for the first time in forever, her cheeks went red as the sensation of Dip’s tickling fingers flooded her mind, leaving her with that torturous sensation that she had forgotten long ago.

She laughed and laughed as tears formed in her eyes, quickly running out of breath, as she struggled from side to side. Feeling how her nerves send all those signals, it was as if she could feel them running through her meaty legs, the way in which Dip luftfully buried his fingers in her soles… Following the instructions in mechanical yet emotional motions, looking to get more out of the good Doctor, going on circles around her soles in specific spots and using the wrists to stop her toes from wiggling too much… It was something Doc never imagined she would experience

But the eventual shock of being tickled began to worn down as Doc began to remember all her training and experiences with torture, she began to breath more controllably, collected her thoughts and began to analyze her surroundings.

She saw Dip, laying between her and Daisy, using both of his hands on her feet… Nothing unusual there… But then she saw Daisy… Daisy, who stared longingly at the boy as he tickled away… and was giving him instructions on how to tickle the older woman as she smiled, biting her lip playfully with an expression being a mixture of excitement for what came next and a bit of anxiety.

It then downed Doc. Something she hadn't thought about, something that seemed really obvious at first but that her hopeful visage towards more ethical means of interrogation and information gathering blinded her to... Daisy had only arranged all of this so they could get tickled by Dip for personal gratification.

And while Doc enjoyed it it was still pretty humiliating. To be used as a means of living a fetish like that… How arousing yet rude!

She could ask Dip to stop, he would surely listen… He’s not the kind to do this sort of thing without permission but… They were already here, Dip had learned the techniques, Daisy had learned them as a prank and they had wasted all this time talking about research when Daisy just wanted to pull a big one on her… So might as well give it back.

In between giggles and laughs, Doc took a breath and gave instructions to Dip… A little technique that could be used with a wet object but in dire situations could be used with a tongue on his dear girlfriend.

Dip, being as nice as he was, immediately obeyed, quickly wrapping his lips against the young blonde’s toes. Daisy didn’t even have time to react to Doc’s act of defiance before she began to chuckle, she tried to keep biting her lip to avoid laughing too much… It was no use as the laughs found a way out of her mouth. Daisy’s high pitched laughter was the one filling the room now, being complimented by Doc’s giggling as Dip hadn’t stopped making little circles around her sole.

Doc could tell what Dip was going for, the tongue twister as she liked to call it. Using the tongue between the toes, rubbing the creases and wrinkles with the very tip of it for maximum impact all while using the hands on the soles, burying the tip of the nails in specific nerve endings, to find said endings you had to explore the sole for a bit, rubbing your fingers all over it to find those spots… Something which the boy did wonderfully. Doc was surprised by how quickly he stuck the toes in his mouth. Thankfully their skin had already absorbed most of the lotion, and if not… Dip’s tongue would be a little more sensitive to strong flavors for a couple of hours. But the lotion was harmless. Maybe the thought of playing some more with her girlfriend’s feet was too alluring.

Dip kept it up for a bit, happily licking away at his girlfriend’s toes while said girlfriend laughed her pretty head off, helplessly trying to pull her feet away and uselessly moving her soles back and forth. It was a pretty cute show. Meanwhile Doc kept giggling as Dip continued to bury his fingers on her sole. The good Doctor placed attention on Daisy’s face, how she became redder by the second as she laughed, how the tears began to build up in her eyes, how her cute little fangs were showing. It gave Doc a nice sense of comfort and it was hilarious to think that’s kinda how she was looking just a few seconds ago. Even if this whole fiasco was useless to do any research… At least she was having fun.

Eventually however… Dip let go of his girlfriend’s toes… and went straight for Doc’s… He had swapped their places, making circles around Daisy’s soles and he attacked Doc’s elegant toes. She could feel his tongue doing as she had described, how the very tip of it rubbed and rubbed against the most delicate and discrete parts of her toes and it made her laugh even more. Her dainty little giggles became full fledged laughter, tears began to fall on her cheeks as she began to struggle once again. But as she laughed, she could feel Bailey looking smugly at her, she could hear her giggles too as Dip kept trying to find the nerve endings.

Doc could already see where things were going to go, how they would instruct Dip to do different techniques on each other, combining them or putting spins on them, all for the sake of torturing each other.

Who would be the first one to ask him to stop? They were going to find out in due time, Lord knows how long it was going to take. But one thing was for certain… Doc wasn’t going to lose. As her lungs violently emptied of oxygen she began to think of another good technique to use on Daisy.

This was going to be a long night.

_ _ _

It was a pretty long night. But in the end… It was a tie. Dip was the one who needed a break after a while as his fingers were getting cramped and his mouth was dry and just as he was going to get water for everyone… He fell off the bed and on his face.

Daisy immediately broke her restraints to help him out. After making sure he was okay, the three rested, ate dinner, took a bath and slept.

Sleeping was a  little bit hard for Doc and Daisy as their feet still had some lingering effects of the lotion so anytime something touched their feet it was a bit ticklish. Both used this to their advantage to tease each other, with Dip using his toes on their feet to see their reactions.

The morning after was a little awkward as both women made their way to their office, being received by Duster and Deacon, they both greeted their leader with the same indifference they’ve always shown and Deacon promptly responded.

“Good morning. Oh, you are never getting those methods approved. Tickling is too childish and gross but feel free to keep doing it amongst yourselves, it’s fun to see you getting all hysterical.”

Both women blushed, not knowing what to say. Deacon just smiled as she entered the building, Duster stared at the two, raising her eyebrow in curiosity.

Now the women were a bit more fearful of Deacon, not because of what she knew, but because of who she might want to test it on.


Brand new drawing! It's a cute little idea I had in my mind and I needed to get it out.

I really like how this one turned out, the expressions and the feet look really nice I think!

Dont' worry, you'll see the fedgals practice their techniques on someone soon enough c:

I went really hard with the story, I don't know why, I just began to write and didn't stop. I hope  that it's to your liking, same with the drawing!



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