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VR has endless posibilites for humanity. At least that's what big tech said before the fad went away.

Once there had been some tech companies trying to use it to control the dreams of people. If they can get the tech to work they can sneak commercials into the devices which means more consumers which means more profit! Of course other entities would love that technology too, especially to reinforce certain... Ideals.

This technology, being overly ambitious didn't pan out. Maybe in the future it could be refined but for now it was unfeasible to produce on mass scale since there was not enough investors or dedicated research. Eventually, the tech made its way to the Dud Squad. But considering the Dud Squad had some brilliant minds in it, they saw a possible use for it.

Deacon saw the potential. Maybe if they modified the prototype they received a bit they could get some use out of it. Maybe they could get to learn new languages or information about any subject as they slept or it could simply be used as a machine of leisure and pleasure as it induced lucid dreaming!  But first they had to make sure the prototype actually worked in the first place, they had to test it. And there was no better test subject than Dip, after all... He could use some special learning when it came to foreign languages or specialized self defense.

But for now they had to do a test run so Deacon and Daisy decided to simply induce some lucid dreaming with a small message included, one from the girls to Dip about their appreciation and much they wanted to use his services, even in dreams.

So Dash got to work programming, quickly introducing video clips, pics, voicelines and even some 3d rigs to give the Squad's message to Dip in his lucid dream, however... Deacon had other plans. She stuck near to Dash as she coded watching attentively and only made her move when Dash was just about done, taking advantage of the redhead's bathroom break to modify the program and instead show only one of the group in the dream. Deacon herself. She really wanted Dip for herself, at least for a while so she made sure the message was grand and bold, maybe in pretty literal way.

Once it was all set up, Daisy and Deacon convince Dip to try the tech out while he sleeps. Being the good boy he is, Dip agreed. Bailey had her doubts but... She'd be sleeping with him that night and watching over him and the thought of him not being able to escape from her feet even in dreams made her quite giddy.

 They went to sleep early that night, Daisy made sure the Zucculus was strapped firmly to Dip's head and eventually once he made his way to dreamland she turned the device on and observed. Things were quiet at first but soon Dip began to move, his body twitched and jumped, he stuck his tongue out and drooled a bit. While it was the reaction she expected... She couldn't help but feel that something wasn't quite right. Her gut told her the truth as to what Dip was seeing was not what she intended.

Instead of looking at all of the soles of the Dud Squad... Dip could only look at one. One gigantic pair owned but the leader of the group as she towered above him. The gigantic shadowy figure had her feet right in front of him. Her soles completely dwarfed him in size, it was like an entire pool of flesh. the gigantic Deacon didn't have to say anything to get him to work, he knew what to do. He crawled to her pretty sole and began to work as the giant lady stared smugly from above, giving him her trademarked toothy grin. She teased him in different ways, sometimes scrunching her toes and making his face get stuck on a wrinkle on her sole, sometimes she said some things relating to his size and reminding him that on that moment... She owned him. All of the teasing was the last thing on Dip's mind as he focused on the beautiful foot, Deacon's natural beauty amplified by a hundred in the most literal way. The boy just lapped away without a care in the world, his mind gave him heaven in the shape of a foot that he could sink his entire body into...

Dip wasn't supposed to remember anything next morning and he was just supposed to feel like he just had the night of his life but... The machine was a prototype and with prototypes sometimes things don't work as intended.

The boy told his girlfriend everything about the dream he had the night prior as they had breakfast... Bailey chewed her food with quite a bit of force as she heard what Dip saw in his mind, eventually ignoring him as she thought of different ways to execute Deacon. On the bright side... At least she knew she could use the machine could be used to have Dip at her side even in dreams but maybe it was a bit redundant, they were already a couple that spend a lot of time together, heck they legally married... even if he didn't knew it.


Hello! Apologies for the inactivity, life has been hell for me lately...

Here's a comic I got inspired to do after seeing a nice pose around, I thought it would work great with size stuff so I took a crack at it!

I figured Deacon would work best as a giantess and it's always fun to draw her and her feet!

I hope you enjoy the comic and that the story isn't too cringy :c

More coming soon!



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