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"The FBSI is a horrid amalgamation of several government agencies...  It's role is to investigate dumb shit, dumb shit that should barely concern anyone and if that shit becomes big enough to be an issue they report it to a proper agency to take care of it.

This is where all the outcasts and rejects that caught the ire of Uncle Sam end.

There are Squads from A to Z, from 'Avarage Squad' to 'Zib Squad'. This here is Dud Squad, one of the better performing squads but they are no Nitwit Squad, those guys are the best. Their role is internet vigilance and paranormal assessment aka spread misinfo and watch out for ghosts. Pretty boring, but at least they get to browse the internet all day, unlike poor Simpleton Squad who live in caves and look cryptids.

It sucks being stuck here but... At least you are not alone"

Here they are. Bailey's fellow agents. For one reason or another these poor girls were demoted from their exclusive agencies and ended in a one way road to mediocrity doing mundane investagation jobs.

But they get to have fun every once in a while, you might see some of their misadventures in the near future c:

Here's a brief introduction to them from left to right:

Cyber Operative: "Dash"

Real Name: Pauline Rouix


-In charge of anything Cyber related. Mainly hacking and decrypting

-Completely out of touch

-Constantly tired, developed imsomnia from having her eye glued to a screen

-Giantic show-off, has rivalry with Daisy

-Superiority complex causes her to see herself as a big sister

taking care of her annoying little sisters

-Flat ass due to sitting in a desk all day

Counterintelligence: "Darling"

Real name: Brooke Brown

Age: 24

-From Olathe, Kansas.

-Linguistic expert, can speak in 32 differente languages.

-Sort of incompetent, but tries her best.

-Perfectly capable of taking care of herself but she's incredibly clumsy

-Terrible at reading people and often misinterprets what they say

-Loose lips

-Always positive, loves her job and coworkers cheerleader of the group

-Really patriotic

-Passion for bugs.

Head of Security: "Duster"

Real Name: Quinnsley B.

Age: "At least older than 21, I've seen her drink."

-Former Green Beret

-Doesn't do or say much, fiercely tight lipped

-Menacing aura, Could snap your neck at any moment

-Very good company for 'girl talk' or so the girls say.

-Probably into very sick stuff, or so Bailey says

-No one has heard her voice nor seen her eyes.

Squad Leader: "Deacon" 

Real Name: ?

Age: ?

-DeFacto leader of the group

-Filthy Vouyerist, massive sadist-

-Has the most connections and influence

-All around weird and perverted.

-Makes everyone uncomfortable

-She's obbessed with information, bit of a control freak.

Medical Division/Cover ups: "Doc"

Real name: Gwyneth Holiday

Age: Late thirties

-Former for the military

-Highly capable doctor and very caring

-The oldest and pretty much the 'mom' of the group

-Not very mature, finds dirty jokes amusing

-She can be down to earth and serious when the situation calls for it

-Calculating and cautious, always assuming that things will go wrong and design plan b through z in her mind

Intelligence Gathering: "Daisy"

Real name: Jeanette Bailey

Age: 26

-You know her already

Caffeine provider: "Dip"

Real name: Thomas R. [REDACTED]

Age: 22

-Daisy's boyfriend

-Co-owner of a local Cafe

-Provides food for the squad

-Thinks nothing of their weirdness

-Lovable dumbass

-Really cares for the well being of all the girls

-Helps keep sanity around the group

-The first young man that the girls have seen in literal years

-Thinks the group are a bunch of private investigators or so he says, it's unknown how much he actually knows about the agency



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