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Hi everyone.

As I wrote earlier, I have things to do offline for March, so there was no content. So far, I have partial access to my equipment, but I think I will fully return around March 20th.

Most likely, this month I will not take money for a subscription, I will tell you more about March 20.

I was upset that many unsubscribed from me on March 1, although I notified several times that payments were disabled and those who remained know that patreon did not write off money for March.

The first payment is debited from new subscribers (in the same way as when the tier is raised), but this money is used for future content.

But in any case, I will send content that was delayed in the release, regardless of whether you unsubscribed from me or not.

If you see a post from me saying that payments are disabled, do not unsubscribe, because patreon will not charge money for my subscription.

The pictures are just a concept, maybe it will one day become an Image Set, and maybe not.

Thank you for staying with me)




Looking forward to anything with this character, tbh. The haneto vibes are real


Nice to get a sign of life from you! Let's hope you can work everything out in March. About people unsubbing, I think some people just don't read the posts closely enough or they might just get distracted by the awesome renders above... which you can't really blame them for in my humble opinion :D. Either way I am sure they'll all be back next month. Take care good sir ! cya :)