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While polls are being conducted, I am preparing a new character and new tiers for patrons.

Minor changes were made to the body. This is how she looks full-length (360°). If you have any suggestions, please write in comments or private messages.


Soon I will post a post with different hairstyles and outfits for her.

As for tiers, they will be changed in the first days of February in accordance with the release dates. You can lower the tier to the first one ($1) and wait for the current levels to be changed. I won't have time to change all the levels until February 1, sorry.




If this is a follow up on the previous preview … https://www.patreon.com/posts/draft-version-3-33086180 … with the 360 view I'm starting to wonder about a few details on her proportions. Specifically: Her penis seems to be positioned slightly low on her crotch. You may want to raise the join of the root of her shaft to the pubic mound slightly (like maybe a half inch or so?). The sheer thickness of her penis essentially demands this in order for the (difficult to see in this rotation view) underside of her penis shaft to fit "onto" her pubic mound in a way that doesn't drop below the height of her crotch between her legs (gap space) at the root of her penis. Testicle size(s) looks right, but I'm thinking that raising them (and her scrotum) by about an inch would help so as to give her a "tighter" set of balls that aren't hanging halfway down to her knees (literally?). Ironically, I get the sense that raising her balls (and her scrotum) this way would wind up making her penis look even larger due to the optical illusion of changing the proportions/positioning balance between her penis and her balls/scrotum. She seems to have lost her waistline that was working for her in the previous preview. Here, she's got what looks like a thicker waistline. Might want to narrow that a touch/notch. The size/shape of her breasts bothers me a little bit. I'm wondering if they'd look better on her if they were higher on her chest. Especially when seen in profile, her left breast seems to be positioned "too low" relative to her armpit. There ought to be a sort of "natural curve" from under the armpit through the top of the breast towards the nipple. Here, there's a kind of an offset in that curve/line where there's a part of the chest between armpit and the upper curve of her breast which suggests that (to me at least) her breasts are "sliding down her front" a bit more than they ought to have done. The ways to compensate for that would be to either move her breasts higher on her chest or to make them larger (keeping the undersides where they are so as to raise the upper slopes of her breasts to higher on her chest). I'm thinking that her buttocks could be a little more (mouthwateringly) rounded than I'm seeing here (although the shadow makes it hard to see her butt clearly). I'm simply thinking that with those thunder thighs and calves that her ass ought to be a little bit … MORE … than I'm seeing here in order to balance her proportions a little bit better. And speaking of balancing proportions … do you want to keep that thickness on her arms, or would you like to go slightly larger (wider plus longer) such that her hands can hang down far enough to touch her upper thighs (wrists at crotch height), rather than her palms only reaching as far down as the sides of her hips? If you elongate her arms a couple inches, you may need to compensate by increasing the thickness a touch too in order to maintain proportions length to width. Her abdominals look slightly more bodybuilder-ish than absolutely necessary. Might want to dial back the toned/ripped abdominals so she isn't quite at prominently CUT in the abdominal region. I'm thinking a more feminine tone/physique in the abdominals than this sort of "male abs on a female body" look I'm seeing here might serve you better with her character. As is, she's pretty darn … BUTCH … looking, even if you remove her futa bits, and you might want to pull that back a touch to give her a slightly more feminine (but still very fit!) appearance. It's fine to make her look like a "sexual athlete" but you don't want to make her such a hardbody that the only thing telling you she's not male is her breasts, her face, and the fact that she's wearing high heels. If I take a freeze frame of her in 3/4 profile turned and measure her head, I get a head size of 195 pixels, and a height from top of her head to the underside of her heel perched on her high heels of 1170 pixels. This gives me a "heads of height" measurement of her being only 6 heads tall overall … which seems a bit … short. You may want to increase the length of her legs by a few inches and also lengthen her abdominal region by a couple of inches (from lower ribs to hips) so as to give her a better "heads of height from head to heels" that a 6:1 ratio like I'm seeing/measuring here. As is, she feels kind of … unfinished … in terms of maturity/growth (despite being an elf who is no doubt centuries older than I am!) as if she were still a teen who hasn't finished going through puberty yet. Also, bear in mind that lengthening her abdominal region will make it better/easier to excuse LARGE and/or DEEP penetrations into her abdominal cavity, should the opportunity arise. That's all I've got for you (so far) on this preview.


When I edit the appearance, I will take your comment into account. In short, it all depends on the location of the camera and the pose itself. This character is still the same as in the first images I expanded the chest a bit and removed the height of the nipples. They are identical, but because of the camera and the pose look different)


Aye ... camera position/perspective, "lens" type, lighting ... all of these things can influence the sense of depth/proportions on a character, up to and including parallax for motion (etc.) and so on and so forth. That's why I wanted to be as clear/specific as possible when looking at her from different angles what I'm seeing so that you can replicate that and judge for yourself if what I'm saying has merit or not. Just because I say it doesn't mean it's "gospel" or anything.