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I saw on forum topic about photorealism. It says that if you use a spotlight as lighting and special settings, as well as deliberately worsen the image after rendering via JPEG, you should get a photorealistic image. 

Well, I did all the manipulations, what do you think? Personally, I do not see photorealism (((.




Agreed with you...


I don't really see it either


I don't know. Can't say I se it.


You'd want to tweak the lighting a goodly bit more. As is the image is too dark/not enough light to start edging into the realm of photorealism. As is it just looks underexposed, making you more aware, in a distracting way, of the (lack of) skill of the cameraman than keeping you interested in the subject matter (the girl). In other words, you need to experiment a bit more to figure out what works. There is no doubt a process involved in "learning the bounds" to making it work out right.