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Hey guys! happy belated star wars day!

 i very much intended to have this video done like the afternoon before the day, but then a sudden irl issue occurred, and derailed work. i hope you guys like this. one thing of note is that some of the audio got corrupted and thus cut. so, to me, it feels rushed for the first JOI. but levels out afterwards.

 i tried very hard on finding the right sounds, effects, and general "vibe."

 as well, i love that it took me until halfway through the script to realize, oh "the force" is a double entoundre (sp?). that's why there was so much gagging... i mean. have a good day! and may the "force" be with you.



Happy Stawars Day ASMR!

Happy Stawars Day ASMR!



that was the greatest thing I've ever seen


Never before have I seen a more slutty hive of cum and lewdity. This was absolutely fantastic, the effects, the editing, the dialogue, it was all top notch. I could tell you worked really "hard" on this one, Thanks < 3


This was the best thing ever combining my 2 favourite things Mel and star wars. Hope we can get more stuff like this