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Still tweaking the many textures on this monster but I wanted to share a quick update. 

Adepticon is coming soon, heck, LVO is in 2 weeks. But my goal for this Adepticon is to enter every paint comp with at least one piece. Rhino will be my entry for the Worthy painting comp that Atomic Mass games puts on. 

For this week I'll have the figure done. Next week I'll get the base together, complete with ambient police lighting. 

Then it will be time to put max effort towards my second and largest Resin Beast entry. Fun!






I am not into the marvel stuff, but good old rhino man looks really cool. I love this cinematic base idea also. Looking forward to seeing more ... as usual


The base really tells the story. Looking forward to seeing this big dude on it.


Haha, me either. Superheroes are neat but don't really get me going. It all started with Warhammer for me so that's my point of reference for what superheroes and star wars do for other people. The base painting starts tomorrow!