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OVer the last two days I managed to get a couple games of Combat Patrol in vs my brother's dark Eldar. I was running Tyranids. One win and one loss but the second loss was devastating. I had 5 models left after Brother John's 2nd turn and in return in had caused a massive 4 wounds to one of his vehicles.

Combat Patrol is fun but very unbalanced.  I see it more for the rock, paper, scissors that it is. Losing thay heavily was boring and I wasn't left with any deep thought on my strategy, I simply got shot off the table. Game one was much closer and we had fun. 

I also got a picture of Brother John's hobby area, who doesn't enjoy seeing another miniature painters hobby haven?

Just a little update on some gaming ive been doing. I still enjoy the new edition but if you don't have ranged firepower thay can deal with T8+, you're dead in the water. Some armies don't have that ability and if you run up against someone else with your handicap, the game will be good. But as I'm playing more spread is becoming more evident.

Brother john also agreed to help me build up a table of stylish scenery, look forward to that on video :)






I played my first 40k games recently, 2 were combat patrols. I used the Dark Angels one vs death guard. I won. But while I think we both had fun, it was a bit silly when my dreadnought got to overwatch every turn, and had like 9 guns. Thankfully the games seem quick. Since the lists are premade it kindof removes feel bad moments from making bad list choices/bringing a list thats too strong.


Always good to get some games in, even if loss occurs. A pretty nice hobby space !


I agree, it's been fun but shooting and overwatch seem so dominant. I run across the table, into the line of fire and then get overwatched before charging, 30+ shots in the case of the Darkk Eldar raider. The pre-written lists do take away a certain level of bad feels but also gives you nothing to work on if you lose. Usually I would go back to list building. We'll see how the Tyranids fare against the Black Templars this afternoon. It's might be time to bump up to 1,000 points, escalation!