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Greetings, Acolyte! I smelled your sulfurous advance on the eight winds. Or perhaps that was my own egg salad made from the eggs of chaos? Scratch that, you are smelling yourself and I am a mere reflection in a mirror who has become self aware. Things are not what they seem in this blasted hellscape that is WARCRY. Welcome back to another incriminating edition of Morbid Tales!

After completing the set last week, I was lucky enough to get a game in with Brother John, my actual brother. The tanner, more muscular, and short haired version of me ha. John and I have always shared a love of miniatures and it's all his fault that I've been obsessed with this hobby since a young age. Too bad I beat his ass, twice! WARCRY!

Yes, he showed up with the hand wounds, very fitting for a chaotic barbarian. Also fitting that our table is made of sawhorses and an old piece of the barn. At this point we are learning still and gearing up for a campaign, just have to exercise the rules a bit and make some things happen. It's a pretty random game which I find fun because you can't meta the shit out of it and taking a spammy list will hurt you in most cases.

Here we are after round two, getting our teeth wet and first blood goes to the Untamed Beasts. 

The way scenarios are generated is really entertaining, it can be harsh when certain conditions align but both of us being adults (sort of) it was easy to make the game our own and have some fun. 

To the victor go the gifts of chaos. In this case it seem to have granted me a pair of double D's which I am very proud of. Not sure what my shirt is doing in this picture. 

Next on the map is getting a proper gaming table built. This printed cardboard is nice but I want that full studio experience, the kind of images you saw in White Dwarf magazine and the way we imagined our half painted game to be. 

I'm also asking friends over for demos to see who's on board for a demo and some campaign action. I'll be fully vaccinated in 9 days and a lot of my pals on at a similar point :)

Until we cross fates again, wizened travelled. Keep the faith in your heart and make this world come alive!





There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Almost ready to be released into the wild again. Looks like you guys had a blast. 😄


Basically one of the best things about this hobby, quality time spent with friends and family!!


Cheers to that! This hobby has made our brotherly bond something special. I have another brother as well but we don't hang out much because he doesn't nerd 😎