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Remember this ol chap? He was featured in an earlier video on base building. Well, he's almost alive now and ready to roll sixes. I painted him up during some private lessons with muscle warrior Caleb. Hails brother!

But we left a few things out to better spend our time. The metals need a highlight, we finished the blade off, lesson learned. That still leaves the spikes on his bondage harness. I could also see another round of highlights and a little freehand embellishment on his loincloth.

We have a fun combination of warm and cold colors going on. The blueish skin being surrounded by yellow, red, and orange. The belts are the neutral element but contrast nicely in comparison to the brighter range on the skin, the horns also take a neutral position are bright against the shadows on the model. About that base though...

I wanted to keep that same combo going with bright and warm colors, so I grabbed a handful of colors that would help me make what I was after, hot dirt.

The Thornwood green going into black made a nice range of shadows and small amounts of Khador Red Highlight and Buff were brought into the Bloodstone to bring it up. When I added the Vallejo Buff to the Bloodstone by itself, the result was a little less vibrant than I had wanted, so the orange helped me maintain that as I lightened my colors up. The Gun Corps Brown was brought in a little later in the process as a glaze in the mid areas, just to break things up a bit and cause irregularity as dirt often does.

Annnd shazaam! He has been planted in the earth!

Just a few more touches here and there left to go. I've also kept his shield separate because it presents a nice opportunity for a video on freehand, which will be a nice spice to drop in as I work on the Conan and Ghazghkkull Masterclasses.

I hope you're all finding time to paint and enjoy some good music, cheers!




I agree with Zambies. Those horns are really sweet! The whole mini is so well done, but those horns, man.


Thanks man! I'll be getting him all finished off while watching Warhammer Weekly tonight :)


That Sam Lenz Zpecial ❤️🤘 love it! Thanks 🙏