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GrimLewd vote #9B || Nui's 3rd comic poll ||

  • [Path] :[ Monster Toy] 286
  • [Path] : [Changeling] 321
  • [Path] : [Monster tamer] 182
  • [Path] : [Monster bride] 225
  • [Monster] : Large, nearly feral fox demon 390
  • [Monster] : Curvy, shape shifting slime 340
  • [Monster] : Very large and muscular ogre 122
  • [Monster] : A sleek and colorful mantis person 159
  • [Naughty bits] : Man with a dick 146
  • [Naughty bits] : Man with a vagina 120
  • [Naughty bits] : Woman with a dick 513
  • [Naughty bits] : Woman with a vagina 217
  • 2023-12-08
  • —2023-12-15
  • 3021 votes
{'title': "GrimLewd vote #9B || Nui's 3rd comic poll ||", 'choices': [{'text': '[Path] :[ Monster Toy]', 'votes': 286}, {'text': '[Path] : [Changeling]', 'votes': 321}, {'text': '[Path] : [Monster tamer]', 'votes': 182}, {'text': '[Path] : [Monster bride]', 'votes': 225}, {'text': '[Monster] : Large, nearly feral fox demon ', 'votes': 390}, {'text': '[Monster] : Curvy, shape shifting slime', 'votes': 340}, {'text': '[Monster] : Very large and muscular ogre', 'votes': 122}, {'text': '[Monster] : A sleek and colorful mantis person', 'votes': 159}, {'text': '[Naughty bits] : Man with a dick', 'votes': 146}, {'text': '[Naughty bits] : Man with a vagina', 'votes': 120}, {'text': '[Naughty bits] : Woman with a dick', 'votes': 513}, {'text': '[Naughty bits] : Woman with a vagina', 'votes': 217}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 15, 22, 59, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 8, 16, 0, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 3021}


Hey there champs! I am back! I managed to get ahead of Alfie, so for the next couple of weeks I can focus on some other content.

Like this! Last GrimLewd vote picked Nui the Banished Fey as the next GrimLewd main character.

Nui's first appearance 

Nui's first NSFW appearance 

Nui's second NSFW appearance 

Which is really convenient since of all of the other previous winners, she is the closest to completing her little arc. After this NSFW comic is complete, Nui will get a new character sheet, reflective of her changes, and be retired from the roster for a bit.

Whatever happens in her next comic, will wrap up Nui's story for a while. So choose wisely!

This vote will decide three things [path], [monster] and [naughty bits]

What exactly, will Nui's [monster fucker] class be, who she'll bone to complete her transformation and what sort of genitals they'll be sporting. Like last time, her physical changes will be decided by whom she fucks in this installment of her story.

Monster is a culturally defined term in GrimLewd. It's meaning changes from region to region. In most places the word monster describes a corrupted human, while corrupted animals are called beasts, but it varies.

The [path] chosen will color Nui's attitude towards sex and monsters greatly.

[Path] options:

[Monster toy] : Path aids in having rough sex with large, dangerous creatures. It reinforces the body and mind against damage done by monsters. Monsters perceive the path user as less of a threat and more attractive.

[Changeling] : Path enables gaining traits from monstrous sexual partners. Having sex with non-human partners grants temporary boons and physical changes. At higher tiers it enables more long term, custom changes.

[Monster tamer] : Path aids in having sex and befriending a larger number of monsters. Grants temporary buffs for each monster the user had sex with recently. Grants various [skills] related to understanding new monsters and tending to them.

[Monster bride] : Path grants boons when engaging in a long term relationship with one monster. Grants various [skills] related to taking care of the partner. It greatly eases cross breeding.

This vote will end on 15th of December

Multiple choice enabled. [If it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop]



damn men with vaginas deserve better


The mantis people always getting overlooked... what a shame