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Phew! Hey all! Got it done! Really wanted this set to be a big and nice one, too bad my body had to crap out on me halfway through, still toughed it out though!

tbh had big dreams for this one, Wanted to dialogue and backgrounds and everything like the harley but my hand didn't wanna do it anymore by the end haha.

Maybe sometime later this week I'll go back in and juice one of them up! or something, (if yall want) but for now I got it as done as I could! didnt wanna keep yall waiting too long, being sick set me back on the comic a bit as well but I've still got a list of page ideas written down so gonna start when I can!




Glad you dream. Your dreams become reality. Thank you for this art you bring to view. Horny ha

Heep Buip

Crazy good stuff