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To my knowledge, I don't think any other FF7:R modder has done this before, but I am now able to directly hex edit FF7:R physics parameters. Compared to the previous method I was using, this will greatly increase the quality and stability of the jiggle physics.

It is possible to more easily do this with a program called UAssetGUI, but it requires the PS4 version of the physics files (Bonamik, Square Enix's proprietary physics solution.) But the PS4 files are very hard to come by and I was only able to find just 1 for Aerith online. The PC version of the files are usually nearly 1/10 size and formatted completely differently, so UAssetGUI errors out when trying to read them.

So just through brute force, a lot of time, many game crashes, and comparing different Bonamik files to each-other, I was able to slowly understand how the hex code was organized and how the values in the code changed the behavior of the physics. I got this idea while editing Street Fighter 6 physics parameters, as modders have already parsed through how Capcom's physics files work and how to easily edit them.

My current parameter adjustments still look a little bit like jelly right now, but with this new tech I'm going to sweep through my previous Tifa mods and upgrade them with my Tifa Hyper HD textures and this new jiggle physics method.

Also for an update to my Tifa 3D animation, I just received voice lines from CinderDryad for the voice of Tifa and I am editing the animation to match her performance right now! The animation will hopefully be completed very soon!




Absolutely cool!


Dude this is amazing! Will you be able to create a tutorial to show how this is done through hex editing? Would love to get jiggle physics with the other girls if possible.


I'm planning about making a tutorial after I understand it more thoroughly myself. Unfortunately, this method currently won't work for Aerith and Jessie, as they don't have breast bones in their armatures at all to tweak parameters. Though in theory it may be possible to add them.