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For Brigitte I'm thinking some good ol vanilla stuffing will work well best for her main rewards. 

I've currently sketched out 3 rough poses and am wondering which to go with (if any). Personally I'm favoring C followed by A the most but which do you like of the 3? 

My goal is to have Brigitte's rewards all done by Saturday the 16th followed by the Mid-month update that or the next day. But before that I plan to have the first batch of Patron sketches this Monday the 11th! 

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.



Corey Kyber

Hey Metal, could I please pay for an illustrated version of pose A I main Brigette in the support role in OW and would pay whatever for it


I appreciate the offer Corey but I'm not open for commissions at this time. I have no clue when I'll re-open but whenever I do I will announce that with info ahead of time.