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Hey everyone happy December, I hope you're well. I'm here with the first of the month update for you!

General News:

First on today's news is that this upcoming February, all active patrons will NOT be charged! It'll be another free-February with a annual "runner up poll" where you can vote on which past runner up sketches I should ink, color and create alts for.  If you have questions feel free to ask and I'll have more information on that in January.

Art News:

But back to this month, for December I'll be prioritizing the last of November's sketches and my goal is to get those completed by this Sunday evening. I'll also be working on some bonus Lusamine sketches in a similar fashion to Hilda and Purah for Medium Soda patrons and above this first week or so.

As much as I would like to make a bonus holiday image it will depend on how this month's rewards shape up. I really want to get back on track this month with my art schedule. You may have noticed for this year that I have been a bit crunched for time and a large part of that is due in part to my increasing IRL responsibilities with family. Some of that might be winding down so I am hoping to have the same amount of free time as I did in the past.

And now my question of the month for you: Are there any outfits or costumes you would like to see Ember and/or Cinder dressed in? 

Poll and Patron Sketch Info: 

Now as per usual this month's Round 1 Character Poll will open December 3rd for ~24 hours and the Round 2 Run Off poll will be on the 4th and conclude on the 5th. I will be able to tally the votes soon after and announce the winners later that day along with their belly combination. Big Burger and Full Combo tier patrons that are looking to suggest a character this month either DM me here or check out the "Character Suggestion" post from this morning in order to do so. 

Patrons in the Full Combo Tier may submit your monthly sketch ideas to me anytime now and I'll begin work on those as soon as I can. Check out the main page st.ash link or see it here https://sta.sh/0rhcxb3hhiq as a refresher. 

That's all the news this December 1st, I would like to take this moment to thank for you personally for your generous support. It means so much to me. 

Stay cozy, stay warm and I'll be back soon with the aforementioned rewards.