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Yo everyone, how is it hanging this SepTUMber? I hope you're doing well. I'm here with the first of the month update for you today!

Health Update:

First off thank you for your well wishes when I mentioned in the final sketch post for August I contracted covid this week while taking care of one of my family members who was sick with it. Yesterday/Last night was a bit up and down as far as how I felt. But with the person I was caring for almost back to normal in just a few days and me feeling slightly better today I'm hoping by next week I'll be more or less back to normal.

General News:

As for art once I'm feeling more or less better I'll finish up the final few Full Combo patron sketches from August. Other than that one of my friends has a birthday this month, so depending on how things go I may work on and complete a gift image for them this month, but it may have to wait until next month.

And my question of the month to you is: Do you prefer Ember (or any lady) well dressed or in lazy girl attire?

Now as per usual this month's Round 1 Character Poll will open September 3rd for ~24 hours and the Round 2 Run Off poll will be on the 4th and conclude on the 5th. I will be able to tally the votes soon after and announce the winners later that day along with their belly combination. Big Burger and Full Combo tier patrons that are looking to suggest a character this month either DM me here or check out the "Character Suggestion" post from this morning in order to do so.

Patrons in the Full Combo Tier may submit your monthly sketch ideas to me anytime now and I'll begin work on those as soon as I can. Check out the main page st.ash link or see it here https://sta.sh/0rhcxb3hhiq as a refresher.

That's all the news this September 1st, I want to take this moment to personally thank you for your wonderful support. It means so much to me.

Stay chill and I'll see you again soon.


Kion Harem King

Get Well ❤️‍🩹 Soon. Take All Time You Needed. And Have A Good SepTUMber Too.