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Hey everyone I hope you're beating the heat. I'm here with another WIP this time for July's 4th place winner Stocking Anarchy. 

Right now the idea in my head with Stocking's WIP is her stuffed to the brim with sweets and other foods. I did some sketching of her on the couch but wasn't enjoying how that was going. So after thinking about it I thought why not a different episode where she doesn't get a canonical belly? So the current thought is her during the Daten beach episode, either before or after the volleyball match with the Demon sisters.

I'm still going to play around with her pose and overall scenario, and maybe see how I can incorporate Panty and maybe the demon sisters. 

My goal is to have Stocking's rewards all done by Thursday the 27th. But before that I plan to have the second batch of Patron sketches this Friday the 21st! 

This is a work in progress and is subject to potential changes.



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