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Here are the 9 runner up sketches featuring women from May's round 1 poll for you! 

For this batch the first 7 placed 6th thru 12th and the final 2 I wanted to draw regardless of their placement. 

These sketches in that order are: a voracious Dehya, a daydreaming gravid Juvia, Amelia Watson with a mystery on her hands (or in her belly), Bianca oblivious to her very pregnant state, Katara post battle with Azula, Ty Lee and Mai resting in her and Toph's stomachs, Kaede either as a continuation of her previous sketch or just full to the brim with snacks now, C.C. enjoying a lot of pizza with a big doughy midsection, Jam taste testing some new dishes and finally a very plump and pregnant Cattleya.

