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I'm back tonight with 9 runner up sketches featuring women from April's round 1 poll for you!

For this batch the first 7 placed 6th thru 12th and the final 2 I wanted to draw regardless of their placement.

These sketches in that order are: Xenovia in a continuation from her previous sketch now extra fat from "hiding" Akeno in her stomach, Mirajane dropping her sloshy stuffed belly onto a table, a heavily pregnant Camilla, a blubbery Princess Yue who caught you staring, a very pregnant Perona, Shiver with a massive squirming belly after a fan eat and greet (or is it meet and eat?), a stuffed Aerith ready for seconds, Valkyrie from Apex Legends securing her victory and finally Madame Rouge soothing her full and active belly after defeating Jinx and Raven.

