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"See, I told you my old costume still fits! I haven't gained a single pound in the past 10 years you guys"

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well this Wednesday evening. I'm here with May's 5th place winner Chi-Chi for you tonight! 

For Chi-Chi I felt weight gain would work great. I had a hard time deciding on which costume and hair style of hers to use so ultimately I decided on a mix and match. With the idea being an adult Chi-Chi is trying on her old costume for either Goku and/or Bulma to prove them wrong. (I don't think it's working)

Included are 4 alts as well, with a sweaty version, a heavily pregnant version, a combo sweaty and preg version and finally a no-dialog variant.

Up next the last 3 WIPs for May's rewards tomorrow





Absolute massive chi chi 🥰💕


The Navel is always so well done

Shadow Basilisk

You talking about this look? 🧐 Great work as always!


Damn! Great job on this one! Between the shading, the attitude, the costume, and the preg belly itself, it looks fantastic!


Chi chi looking adorable in all versions


He’s giving her that look because that belly is irresistible, nice work Combo

MetalForeverArtist (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-07 21:45:24 Glad you like her Jotaro <3
2022-05-21 16:50:27 Glad you like her Jotaro <3

Glad you like her Jotaro <3

MetalForeverArtist (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-07 21:45:24 Thank you RandomDudeGamer :&gt;
2022-05-21 16:51:50 Thank you RandomDudeGamer :>

Thank you RandomDudeGamer :>