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It's a relaxing Monday afternoon and you're hanging out at the mall, minding your own business when *BUMP!* a short, chubby, red demoness shoves squirming, rotund belly right into your abdomen. She makes you an offer... but do you accept?

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I'm here again this holiday with a very full Ember for you tonight! I felt instead of a low point of view like the Valentine's day image from two years ago, this time you're looking down at a very round Ember as she belly bumps you in search of food.

Included are 4 alternative versions and a tiny mini panel ending too! The first being a tsundere Ember alt emphasizing her height, second is a seductive double entendre alt, third and fourth are a non-vore version for those not into vore, with different expressions. An lastly is a mini panel I wanted to put in the main image but could not fit in to the composition, so take it as a lil stand alone conclusion. 





We have a deal


It's funny, you say the third one is a double entendre, but given that this is Ember we're talking about, there's pretty much no second meaning x3

Chris Smith

Why is she so smooooooooooolll?! It's so cuuuuuuuuuuute! 💖💖💖


That's really cute


I'll dance with the devil.


Would have agreed to anything she asked so fast in that situation


Today I learned I am Ember’s height on a good day


now im just imagining a much fatter ember after going on a dating site for a few weeks....

Benjamin Brothers

I can see the slice of life anime now..... A Demoness live next door


Big belly press though 👀💕


The confidence she has XD. Wonderful job on these!

Gee Willikers

Preds pressing their bulging bellies against someone is my new favorite vore trope.


People gawking, staring and hushing their whispers as she lumbers around. Any all you can eat buffet will tremble in terror when she approaches :3c


I love this idea, to rub her belly is a very sexy scenario, I’d love that, great work as always Metal❤️