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hi gamers- just popping my head in to give a little bit of a life update thats gonna affect plans

A couple of days ago my last grandmother passed away rather abruptly, the extended family has been scrambling to make plans and get things in order. They've set up services and funeral stuff to happen over thanksgiving, so my family is having to set up quick flights to take a trip over to St. Louis

this is, going to eat up a lot of time and mental energy- so I may either pass on doing the November comm form, or take a very light amount of work when I do open it

the good news though- I'm gonna offer a sketchier lines / flat color style for cheaper. All the pics I've been doing recently take a lot of time on shading / rendering, so by skipping that I would be able to do these with a lot more leniency and output far quicker. I imagine I'll primarily be taking comms in that style this next batch, so keep yer peepers on the look

thaaaanks, heres hoping life stops beating me up soon


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