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Hey there, wonderful people!

I often get requests to tweak designs, and those requests are often really useful or interesting.  Today we'll have three updates to existing designs, two for changes in functionality, and one for a change in printability.  These sorts of updates often don't rate actual posts, but in this case I thought I'd share some of the thought process around it.  First up - lids for the Spin Receptacle!  Two more posts to come shortly after :)

It was a simple request - could we have a lid for the Spin Receptacle?  The simple answer is that yes, we can!  The slightly more complicated answer is that we can have two different kinds...

The first lid just slots into the existing Spin Receptacle body.  It has the usual 0.5mm tolerance to fit in neatly and just sit there, held in place by gravity and the straight sides that intrude into the inside.  The lid prints upside-down so that the lip alongside the intruding part can be flat against the rim of the bowl part.  So, if you already have a Spin Receptacle printed, you can add a lid!

But, take careful note of the "held in place by gravity" part.  For something like the Spin Receptacle, where the opening could be at any angle, gravity might not be our friend.  So, there's a new version of the Spin Receptacle that has a threaded lid.  You'll notice it also has a slightly taller overall profile, but it still prints in exactly the same way as before.  This lid prints upside-down, too, for exactly the same reason - a nice flush fit.

Printing Tips
As usual with articulated models you'll want to make sure your bottom layer is nice and neat, and that you don't have any issues like stringing or overextrusion that might cause moving parts to bind together!
Print orientation is like so:

File Locations
You'll find the new threaded version with lid on Dropbox under:
793 Spin Receptacle with Threaded Lid
The slot-in lid is in the folder with the original Spin Receptacle:
796 Spin Receptacle
(Post with dropbox link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592 )

Final Thoughts
Revising a model does give an opportunity to change things for the better, so it's hard not to like the new version better than the original.  And yeah, I like the look of this one better, with its slightly extended profile and braced top.  And it's more functional, too - win-win! :)




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