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Hey there guys! Time to decide the Next Comic that will be published each Sunday!

Next Comic will be a Fanart one! So I have a few options with some propositions for you here.

I'll give you a base idea, but once I decide a winner, I may propose a few alternatives to let you decide your favorite idea for the comic!

1. The Legend of Zelda: Wolf Link finds Teba (or Kass) while doing sidequests on Hyrule. He asks Link for his help with a mission to unmask a rumour that have been around the Rito tribe related to the Blood moon! May have to fight some strong monsters that Link may not be prepared to fight.~

There is a lack of comics of TLOZ around, so I think making one would be a good idea!

2. FNAF: Foxy and other animatronics shenanigans! Stalking the newbie Security Guard? Trying to decide who's the best animatronic around? Or just giving a show to their biggest fan? Lots of possibilities for this one!

3. Zootopia: Zootopia's Police Department got new info about a new drug that make animals get... "feral/wild". Not wanting to repeat an incident like before (Carnivores attacking others), Bogo sends Nick to do Undercover work to find the source of this new drug, even if it means to have him in the middle of the "danger".~ Lots of action and sex!

4. Smash!: An easy one. Like previous pics, Falco tries to find his missing buddy Wolf, just to get encountered by a wild and (not so smart) Donkey Kong. Thinking that his intruder may need a lesson to not mess with DK.~

5. Death Wolf: Our favorite Death making an appearance again! Stalking again that cocky Gatito? Or maybe visiting Papa Bear deciding he wants a "bigger prey". There is a few interesting ideas that could fit this one!

So, vote for the one you'd like to give to life! Winner will replace Family Memories on the Sunday's comic slot!

Thank you for your support!


Ulmar Vice

I love all these ideas! I'm gonna let the people decide this time with my votes going to the ones I really want.


Every options is a win


Wolf death looks interesting 👀💦


As much as I love Falco, I'd love to see some death wolf


This was a hard pick, have to think it over many times


With you BS abilities to write and draw several comics at once, I would like all of these to become a reality please and thank you.


If I had to make a suggestion for the Death comic I'd say this it takes place after puss in boots the last wish puss is now truly living his best life now that he lives somewhere with kitty and perrito plus he got to reunite with shrek donkey and fiona at some point well one day he either goes to the bar or takes a night stroll alone and comes face to face with death again Puss is panicking because he knows his time is not up yet and he thinks that death has come to claim his last life again but death reassures him he's not here for that then death confesses after their fight on the wishing star over time he started developing feelings for puss which then would eventually lead to them having sex


If the puss comic wins, I hope we have two bears there, *wink wink nudge nudge*


I Love a lot of these but i gotta chose DK