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Hey everyone its that time again!

For new people, depending on the tier you're in you have access to a sketch or bust commission, same rules and terms as my normal commissions(which is linked to in the form). You are under no obligation to get one this is just a way for me to give back a little if you want. I work on these on my own pace so it may be a bit before I get to yours.

Got a lot of questions about this last time, what does it mean to "Upgrade"

Basically I just subtract the cost of the type of commission( so bust or sketch) from whatever you want to upgrade to based on my current rates.

The form will remain open until December so take your time if you don't have an idea currently!

Lastly, I'm scheduling this to go up while I'm sleeping since I've had a long week and don't want to forget so I may take a bit to respond!

If you have any questions about this please let me know!


Puzzles 2023 Patron Comms

Hello! This form is how I'm going to try to format commissions going forward. This way I can get all the necessary information I need and all my terms and everything are gotten across clearly. Please look at this document for all my commission information regarding commission types and examples.



do you have any particular restrictions with the “go for sexy” mood/tone with certain characters? (besides the obvious ones, like no underage and whatnot)


I just ask for nothing super explicitly NSFW, lingerie and stuff is like that is fine though, and you can always shoot me your idea before submitting if you want me to OK it!