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Hello everyone! Don't panic, I'll just be taking a little break from the monthly animations. That means there won't be a new animation for January (and maybe February, but we'll have to see). The holidays are approaching and my family has asked me to take a break because according to them I haven't seen (or felt) ) very good these days(lol). Even so, I plan to do some small sketch animations, both for Twitter and Patreon exclusives (I'm also going to focus a little more on some personal projects I have)

I had also thought about opening commissions but I think it would be more of the same? I don't know, if I see that I have more free time than normal, maybe I will open one or two slots for commissions, idk;;

Anyway, thank you all for your support and understanding!

Love you <3



No worries at all enjoy your break. Do what makes ya happy or comfortable and no worries what anyone thinks. If ya do do comms would love and happily try for a slot, if not no harm. See how ya get one and granted know how hectic the holiday season can be especially with family!

Bri W

Breaks are good and very important!! I’m glad you’re taking it and I hope it does you well, and that you have wonderful holidays ahead of you 💜💜


Thank you very much! I'll try to stay relaxed but still, no one can keep me away from the computer lol