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Hello everyone! I've been thinking about making a couple of changes here(nothing really drastic tbh), but first I'd like to know what you all think:

- First of all I thought about making the polls exclusive to patreon (on twitter I'll only show the characters to choose but only those who are subscribed to the $5 tier could vote) I do this mostly because, besides the monthly animation, the suggestions, and the very, very occasional sketch animations(which I decided to change to longer animations instead), I really think I could offer something else to get more people to decide to join. Also I'd like to take more into account the decision of my patreons for these polls.

- As a second change, I'd like to add a second level for rewards. A $10 tier. The most important rewards will be in the $5 tier, of course, but in case someone is feeling generous, they can join this tier. In it you will also find wips or alternative versions if I manage to do one (like the pussy version, which I intend to do more *wink wink*)

I would really like to know what you think. Please leave a comment with your thoughts. I'll be reading you!


Sleepy Ivy

You offer a lot for free, so I think it's 100% fair to try to gain more patreon members! It's amazing work and we appreciate it no matter which choice you go for.


I'm not really a fan of having exclusive things. But if I'm going to have a patreon and people who support me financially, I feel like it's the least I can do. Thanks for your comment!


Why am I a $10 member unable to view $5 information?