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I have good and bad news: Bad news are that there will be no animation for next month. Good news? The next animation, as I estimate, will be 3 or +4 minutes long, maybe. This time I'm taking my time with this animation because I intend to make it longer, taking as reference works like those of great nsfw artists like Suoiresnu, Speedoru or Maplestar!

This idea occurred to me because I realized that the latest animations haven't had the traction that I expected (neither here nor on Twitter) and it's not that it bothers me (even if my animations were no longer popular, I would most likely continue making them for those who are still interested) but it's a good excuse to take more time with the animations and make the public look forward to the final result a little more(the full animation will be patreon exclusive tho). It's also the perfect excuse to be able to practice more elaborate animations rather than just loops.

Do you want more good news? Since I don't have a deadline I can take small breaks to focus on making a couple of animated sketches for you. I've noticed that sometimes you like those animations more than the rendered ones but that's okay, I also like to make them and I can choose characters that I want or even some that have never been chosen in older polls.

At first this wasn't my idea at all, but I got so stressed about a couple of things that in the end I made the decision to make this abrupt change.

I also want to do an original project! Do you know the artist Sana or the small series "Mignon"? Well, they are my inspirations to be able to make an original animation with dialogues and everything if possible. I already have a couple of ideas but that will be for the future, if everything goes well...

I would be very grateful if you could give me your opinion on this matter. Should I continue with this idea? Would you like the following animations to be the same? Is it better to have one animation per month? ...Are you thinking about unsubscribing?...

Please let me know. Thank you for reading this bigass text and...have a nice day :)


红缨儿 严严



I agree with everyone~ I’m very new to Patreon and new to following you but I’ve been following you for a little while on Twitter, you’re animations are top tier, I love them - however, sometimes change is good and if that’s where you want to go I say go for it! It’s always worth a try, besides it’s fun and it’s something you’ll love doing either way! I’m excited to see what you come up with! Good luck with it all, looking forward to it :D