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“Mistress, please.”

My hands shift uneasily above my head, unable to cover my body. The cool air of her room blew across my exposed nipples and mons. I hadn’t felt this naked since… Since the night when she took me.

“Hmm, I find it interesting that you find politeness only once you begin to realize how much trouble you're in.”

I squirmed in my restraints, the cool air of the room lapping at my nipples. I felt. I felt so indecent.

“Mistress, I… I was just confused, I didn’t understand the situation I—“


My left cheek radiated heat where her hand struck me. I whimpered, trying not to meet Mistress’s eyes.

“Amareth, my dear little doll. You don’t need to understand, you simply need to accept what is. If I tell you that you are a doll, is that true?”

I could hear the leer even without seeing her curled lips. 

“I am.”

A finger traced its way down my ribs and I was torn between the overwhelming tingle it drew forth and the urge to pull away. The fingertip paused in its ascent at my chin, but continued to apply pressure, lifting it steadily.

Her face filled my view. My lips could only shiver as Mistresses stared into my eyes, piercing my mind without a single word.

“I’m a doll.”

The ice cracked and a faint ray of light cast a shadow of a smile across her face as she affirmed it, “You are a doll. But that wasn’t quite my question. If I tell you that you are a doll, is it true?”

The doll's eyes snapped open. “Yes!”

“If I told you your name was only doll, then it would be. You don’t own anything anymore, doll.”

“It is doll.” It flowed so easily from doll, now.

A flush of cool tingling radiated through doll’s neurons, as though a cascade of submission started with that one simple admission. Doll’s body relaxed, leaning back against the padded frame behind it.

“Acceptance looks so much better on your face, doll.”

Mara’s hand found its way into its hair, fingertips gently stroking the nape of its neck, teasing their way higher.

Half stifled, a moan slipped through doll’s lips. It was quickly losing track of all of its attempts to fix the situation.

“All a good doll like you can do is accept that which she is given.” Her other hand joined in. Fingertips playing the second part of the duet. They traced across doll’s skin with teasing touches; up doll’s back and across doll’s ribs. Hints of its cinnamon musk struck its nose, mingling with the faintest note of arousal wafting from its squirming thighs below.

“You’ve already done so? Right, my little doll?” Her hand drew its head closer, lush lips brushed synthetic. Sensation after sensation cracked the thoughts in its mind to pieces as she played her doll like a choice instrument.

Drawing back from kissing, she spoke again. ”Accepting my gifts is natural after all, my darling doll.”

Another kiss. A soft giggle.

“You can fall into that role - my darling, darling little toy. Mine to do as I please.”

A pinch. A tweak. She tuned doll’s body to her liking, drew all desired sounds from it with impunity. 

She bit its earlobe. “Tell me you love this without words, little doll.”

Its hips gyrated involuntarily. Mara shifted her body closer, wedging a thigh in between its own, finally providing some relief to the growing tensions in its nether regions. All it was narrowed: to listening, to being played, to accepting.

Played with! The cracks grew wider as icy white submission bloomed forth.

The hand that had been holding it still by the hips snaked down to brace between thigh and mound. Mistress elevated the symphony. She played. Her fingers plucked cords from its slick mound. Its eyelids fluttered, its eyes struggled to focus.

What sounds came from its mouth were beyond words. Incoherent noises. Something less than human. 

“It's easy doll! Just be as you are. Your true self.” 

Doll nodded, drunk on sensation and compliance.

It could just accept and that would be good. Thinking was really unnecessary, bad even. Acceptance was so much easier. 

Doll’s eyes closed and it accepted. 

Mistress cooed. “You’re such a good doll, accepting your truth for me. It’s so nice to let go of everything and fall into acceptance, isn’t it?”

Doll moaned softly as her head was pulled in against Mistress’s chest. 

It was. It really was.

“Now, doll. Did you fail to accept something earlier?”

Doll knew.

“She did.” The words flowed out so softly.

“Good doll! I am proud to see that my little doll can admit that. But, now you can just accept your place.”

Fingers softly traced paths of pleasure into doll’s skin. Their counterpart played thrumming cords through doll’s groin. 

“Doll’s place?”

“Yes. You are a prized possession after all. One to be displayed, not one that should be sullied with toil or drudgery.”

“Doll is a prize.” Dolls' eyes fluttered as the truth came to her.

The cords Mistress struck resonated in the doll’s mind.

That felt so good. To know doll’s place and accept it.

“Exactly! And do you think my little trophy is the same as the nanites that scrub a cooktop?”


“No! I’m sure you can see why we can't have you getting confused like earlier?”


“Yes, Mistress.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Doll repeated.

“Doll, I want to make sure you remember to accept what you are given. Which means I think you need a reminder that you accept your station without question.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The fingers withdrew from within doll, leaving a needy emptiness, but doll simply accepted, a bereft exhalation of breath its only recourse. 

A sudden tap of Mistress’s finger struck at the apex of doll’s mound, right where the most tender bit hid, and everything began at once.

“This should be a good start, little toy, but I am going to need an accessory to go with it. So why don’t you stay there and accept your new form.”

She stood up and left, and Its eyes snapped open as a sudden unfamiliarity appeared between its legs.

The feeling of being empty changed; it became full, then vanished entirely. It looked down past its chest, and saw with silent, muted horror that its cleft had shut. It was now smooth across the groin. Seamless. 

Like… Like a doll.

Doll moaned helplessly, staring with a mixture of relentless submissive neediness and unrelenting alarm. It wanted to whine and protest to Mistress, to beg her to give her back what she’d taken. 

It wanted to paw at the smooth expanse and admire its changes. It wanted to thank Mistress for the change, to smile empty and happy that Mistress would enact her will in such a way.  

But that wasn’t all. A pressure began in its groin, a feeling like needing to pee. But worse. Like the tightness one feels before an orgasm, but without the pleasurable parts of the experience. 

It squirmed only now, unable to hold still, and glanced up to see Mistress returning with a box.

“Oh goodness, little doll. You really are good at working yourself up.”

In its momentary lapse of observation, the pressure suddenly released, like its bladder had been cut loose to flow. It looked down, expecting to find the worst, that it had been forced to— 

Doll gasped, jerking in its restraints, unable to comprehend what was happening.

The sensations made no sense, even with the blatantly obvious visual evidence.


And yet.

A newly formed shaft had sprung free from within its groin. It stood at attention, like others it had seen in its time. 


But, this was doll’s.

“I almost wish I did this sooner.” Mistress grinned cheerfully. “Your face is absolutely priceless, dolly.”

The tight knot released at being reminded of the reason for this change. A cool rush replaced the tension that had fueled it. 

Doll simply stared at its new appendage. Mara’s hand swept into view, fingertips dragging across the sensitive tip, eliciting a twitch and helpless mewling from it.

It felt so sensitive. 

It wanted to form some form of response to this, this… 

~/Good dolls accept their station/~

Soft fingers wrapped around… Its shaft. It felt so vulnerable and exposed.

“Now dolly, I know you’re still coming to terms with this, but there is still the matter of your punishment.”

It looked up,face pale.


Mistress’s eyes held a faint glimmer of danger, like light reflecting off broken glass in a dark alleyway.

“Yes, doll?”

“Doll accepts her punishment. She shouldn’t have tried to understand things outside her station.”

Mara seemed surprised, and a genuine smile sent the sharp shards tumbling from her glare.

“Good doll!”

It moaned, unable to restrain how those words felt. Something twitched below.

”If you keep behaving properly I think we can discuss pussy privileges in a week or two.”

It nodded meekly.

“However, this isn’t just a venture into new genitals for amusement. It's also going to be a punishment for your unrestrained behavior at the recital.”

It nodded again. Accepting.

“That’s why I got this lovely little accessory for you to wear for the next while.” Mistress opened the box and lifted out a piece of jewelry that reminded doll very distinctly of the chastity device Galli wore. “You are going to be experiencing some unrelenting self restraint for the duration of this punishment.”

Its eyes were wet, but doll nodded in affirmation. This whole situation was beyond absurd. It felt so far past anything it had ever even contemplated happening to it.

Mistress carefully separated the main components of the chastity cage. It was formed from an elegant, flowing, faintly geometric flanged tube, with a cap of impenetrable metal, like a shield, over the tip of anyone's penis unfortunate enough to be inside it. The only opening in the shield seemed to be a small metallic oval in that tip.

As the parts were delicately separated, doll found its horror growing as it noticed a thin, synthetic tube with a tiny bulb-like nodule dangling from inside the shield, with a thin, metallic offshoot just below where the head of the penis would go.

Involuntarily its thighs pressed together. Instead of making doll feel somewhat more protected as it was used to, the act obscenely thrust doll’s— doll’s penis out and up.

Mistress chuckled, observing its reaction to the piece in her hands.

“Oh, it’s not so bad. Having an entirely synthetic appendage saves you the pain an OEM cock owner has to go through in order to wear one of these lovely devices. You won’t even need to be pierced.”

“Doll guesses it’s lucky then, Mistress,” It said, eyes shifting anxiously as it twisted gently against the cuffs.

“That’s a good doll. Very accepting,” Mistress praised.

She leaned forward, holding the shield up in front of doll’s face. ”You also have it easier since you already have the necessary piercing for this little hook here to secure the device to your girlcock.”

“Doll’s g-girlcock.”

“Oh, is that not to your preference, doll?” Mistress asked, lifting an eyebrow.

It shook its head, “No, Mistress, doll is just not used to thinking of a penis as something it could have. But it… doll wants to accept it.”

“I’m glad you think so, doll, but I think it's time we get that new piece of you properly secured, right?”

The thought of that left doll at a strange impasse; from one perspective, it was glad to silence the strange, uncomfortable feelings coming from its groin, yet on the other, every single touch Mistress had given it had been feeding arcing jolts of pleasure into its body with the intensity of a high voltage discharge.

It wanted more. More by the moment. Just Mistress’s fingers made it think she could have doll’s girlcock erupting in no time flat. It had the doll yearning for release.

But, that didn’t matter, did it?

“Yes, Mistress.” Doll nodded, shifting in its places, trying not to show its growing curiosity and need as the motion gently squeezed its penis between its thighs. 

Good dolls accept their station, it acknowledged mournfully.

The feeling of the catheter tube shouldn’t have been a stranger, but it was especially so, as - for one - doll idly attempted to determine if this was technically a double intubation, or if the previous companion had become a part of doll’s body. 

The other reason was that the sensation of external penetration was utterly overwhelming. 

As the shield finally met the tip of doll’s girlcock, it noticed that the piece seemed to have layers. Mistress first fed an inner, soft silicone cup under doll’s— doll’s foreskin. The shield slid into place over this, sandwiching it inside. Then she slid a hooked piece through a tiny hollow at its base, through the artificial piercing hole, and connected it to the catheter, effectively trapping the shield in place over doll’s genitals. 

“Almost done, my little doll. Now all I have to do is lock the shaft to the head.”

The tube, which up until now had been encapsulating doll’s shaft, was then carefully drawn into place, touching the shield, and with a small turn from a key on the underside, it sealed the two together with an almost invisible line, turning doll’s new genitalia into a short, ornate, metallic tube capped with an amorphous oval. The whole piece now seemed like some strange piece of ornamentation more than genitals.

Crown jewels, doll thought with mild hysteria, staring, transfixed, at its crotch. 

“It suits you quite well, doll,” Mistress said, brushing her hand down its thigh.

It swallowed. “It…” 

A moment passed, and it failed to find words.

“It really does,” Mistress gently-firmly finished for doll.

It nodded, accepting.

Doll felt it.

Doll’s… Doll’s caged girlcock twitched. Its blush deepened at the realization that it would now be much more apparent to the outside world if doll was aroused.

“I’m excited to see what the other maids will do when they find out about your predicament, doll. In fact, I think having tea with Gallium would be a great start, don’t you think?”

Doll found its cheeks flushing as blood rushed into its face. But all it could manage to utter was a half hearted mewl.

“Oh, but pardon me,” Mistress smiled benevolently. “I misspoke. You don’t think, after all. I’ll just set up that little date - it’ll be for your own good, I think.”

Doll squirmed its head falling in a soft nod, and accepted.

And so it would continue to be.



Are you gonna finish this story? 😇


Hope it gets better for you 😁