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What's up ya'll I got some updates for you guys that might be important to some of you!

First off I wanted to say thank you to everybody who is here, I do not take anyone for granted and I'm beyond thankful to be delivering artwork to all of you, I hope it's as fun to you guys looking into the content as it is for me creating it.

I have 3 important updates to share with you guys.

1.) A certain video game developer has taken it into their own hands to make requests for post removals from not only me but other people as well. As such, I will need to remove certain posts and will have to apply different naming conventions in the future in order to deliver content to you guys. This isn't much of a blow to our community, as it just is tedious for me but it is what it is!

2.) Resulting out of this I will put more time into establishing the archive, the reason it's taking longer is that a lot of older posts seem to be lost on hard drives or different archival sites. I will try my best to make the archive as all encompassing as possible, so please look forward to it when it releases!

3.) Rough drafts have been finished for the doujin I had teased a bit ago. I cannot give out too many details other than it including a certain elf looking princess and her knight, so stay tuned for that when it comes out!

We have a lot ahead of us and I'm glad I have all of you with me on this journey!



Considering Nintendo has been issuing takedown left and right recently, means something big is about to drop. Sorry to hear Echo, keep up the mighty UNGA work


Nintendo really just can’t fuck off, can they?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 19:14:07 Just want to say thank you for working as hard as you do and releasing content as consistently as you do! We appreciate you as well keep up the great work!
2023-11-17 02:42:58