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I decided I'm going to focus a bit on some of my favorite video game franchises in the future and Jessie is definitely part of that!
For this post there will ne no NSFW version, the reason being that I have had a lot of trouble with my family and I had very little time to even try and attempt the NSFW in time.

I hope you guys can understand that life has been a bit hectic for me lately and that I will need to take things one bite at a time.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and DL below!




Hope everything turn out ok. Keep up the good work

Petar Son

Jessie is hellishly sexy I really like the way she looks here. EchoSaber just take care of your problems one by one when you have time you will have more freedom for your art and we can wait calmly.

Matt R

She does look better with her hair like that


Take the time as you need it. If something's wrong, just let us know so we know what to expect going forward(long-term and short-term alike). Not knowing why/if something isn't happening is worse than knowing what's hindering the artist/creator we follow.


nsfw pls👀


Jesse is one of those characters I didn't realize I liked so much until years afterwards. You really do her justice.


Man all the ladies from Pokemon really had it going on all these years and I never appreciated them till recently.


Yes! More Pokémon girls! All of the Pokemon girls!


i just read the rest of the description, please forgive me for asking for a nsfw version.

Vain Pain

I find this very cute.