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Almost a year ago I said I wanted to make longer animations with this oc, Nono then I never spoke about her again. I want to actually address what happened to it now.
If people even actually remember ・ั﹏・ั)

TLDR Basically the project is currently in an indefinite hold, and I have a few reason for it:

1. The most obvious reason is the amount of work needed to finish it. 

2. Finding a va. This honestly is the biggest reason for me. I've been having problems getting vas for ocs and the whole process just made me disappointed and demotivated.
This isn't really a problem with fan animations as I won't be specific for the voice for them, but I want my ocs to have the perfect voice to fit them.
Unfortunately this project in particular needs a strong va.

3. Change of interest. I realized really long animations might not be what actually I want to do. I said on my original post the project is a series of 5 minute long episodes. 5 minute long isn't the problem, but making it a series is.
I don't think making an animation series would be worth it, and I'd rather put all that work in a game project instead. If it's made for a game, the animations themselves could still be presented as just video animations. Essentially doubling the output for the work I do.

I have thought of how to turn Nono's idea to a game instead of a series, so I still definitely want to do the project in the future. Either way it's still gonna be a huge undertaking so I have no current plans to start it. I have been incredibly inconsistent with what I put out recently, so I want to fix that first.




The nono gifs are AMAZING but we will be here to support you for what you want to do. Hopefully VA work will come soon.


I really like that second gif! We're still here and supporting you!


keep up the good work champ! no matter what you're working on we will support you!