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The new video of Tito Lizzardo where i took the idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg8GB7XyRQM

I took this edit as a personal challenge, because there was no shadows, only lights. and blured lights, so it was a pain discovering how to do it correctly, it took me at least 4 hours, but im happy with the result, i hope you guys also like it. And check out the song, the video and the song are both good.



Madman777 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-02 23:57:40 Let people talk shit about this game. Cyberpunk kicks ass! <3 xD
2021-08-25 15:24:46 Let people talk shit about this game. Cyberpunk kicks ass! <3 xD

Let people talk shit about this game. Cyberpunk kicks ass! <3 xD