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Well hi there, fenfam!  Bet you thought we forgot all about you, didn't you?  We didn't mean to leave you hanging for almost the entire month, but sometimes life gets in the way!  That's why we decided to make our Patreon a charge per post rather than charge per month model, for now.  We didn't want you to feel ripped off on the lean months!

Speaking of which, though, best make sure you've set a cap on your contributions, because this week we're planning on updating every day with new character pinups, starting with the fetching Mrs. Jennifer Fenmore herself.  About time we gave her some time to shine, don't you think?  

And for those of you who pledged to the top tiers...well, let's just say your very long patience is about to pay off.  We've got some EXCITING stuff just around the corner, so stay tuned...




As long as we get more you good


WOW! Good job on the shading and texture. That soft light is incredible! Nice background blur too. Kind of captured that "portrait" effect phones can do. Like someone said. "Wait! Hold that pose." *Click* Thank you for sharing.