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Peering through the gap in the shelf, you see the shop keeper busy chatting to a customer interested in her set of voodoo dolls. You don’t want her harassing you with a monologue of her products, trying to upsell you something that is probably fake. Speakers around the antique store play a chilly and ominous tune, adding to the eeriness of her store. Checking your phone to see if your friend arrived, you continue walking around to kill time. A large porcelain vase mounted on a shelf attracts your attention compared to hundreds of other artifacts. Curiously walking closer towards it, you hear faint whispers in your ears, but you suspect it to be the music playing in the store.

Inspecting the vase in more detail, you notice a few Asian men beautifully drawn with cobalt ink depicting an emperor and his attendants gazing at a similar looking vase on the palace floor. “What the…” you gasp, catching sight of the emperor moving his head. Rubbing your eyes in disbelief, you lean closer and stare at the drawing of him, hoping to catch him moving again, but from the corner of your eye, you see the blue painting of the vase turn red. Out of curiosity, you touch it only to be hit with an invisible force, sending you falling backwards.

You dare summon me?!” a voice booms, vibrating through the small antique store. Beginning to panic, you glance at the shop keeper, expecting her to come marching towards you, but she remains frozen in place with her customers. As the blue haze slowly fades away, you see a torso of a figure shifting in and out of focus. Squinting for a better look, your jaw drops to see a beaded Asian man with his facial features constantly alternating into a sexy Asian woman with a crown on top of her long, luscious hair. “I… Fuxi… will grant you one wish… for releasing me” the genie says with an alternating voice too.

Uh… what…” you stammer in shock, trying to comprehend it all as a million thoughts rush through your head.

You dare question my powers?!” the genie shouts, making you flinch in fear. Pointing at the frozen group of people near the store counter, Fuxi clicks its fingers and sends a bolt of magic at them, smashing ancient artifacts on the way.

Your blood runs cold as you watch the shop keeper’s frozen expression start to move as she yells in pain and confusion. “What’s happening?!” the frail old Asian woman screams, her hoarse and croaky voice softening into a sultry purr with a similar Chinese accent. You look away as all her clothes rip away and slowly reform into a pink bikini set loosely hanging on her wrinkly body. She looks around in a panic and catches you staring at her in horror as her shriveled skin starts to tighten and become smooth. “You… you did this?!” she shouts at you with rage, slowly stumbling towards you as her frail bones become denser and her legs thickens with fat. After a few steps, her body shivers as she becomes fertile again with wide hips and a round ass stretching out her panties. “Change me back right noaaahh---oowww” she squeals, feeling her flabby and saggy breasts swell with fat, ballooning into modest C-cups on her chest. Her slender and petite arms reach out to you as you back away fearfully, watching her emotions change on her warping face. Within seconds, her elderly appearance becomes youthful, smoothening all her blemishes and wrinkles, leaving her with the face of a twenty-seven year old Chinese woman. Her looks of rage melts into lust as she bites her plump bottom lip and plays with her long black hair as if nothing happened. “Me… so… horny…” she mumbles, gazing at your crotch as she plays with her pussy.

What the fuck?!” you gasp in shock with an undeniable boner in your pants.

Your attention shifts to the two customers with a glowing aura of magic around them as they slowly unfreeze too. Sounds of bone snapping and tendons tightening fills the room as married elderly couple screams in shock too. “What’s happening?!” the man shouts in shock, hearing his voice cracking higher into a sultry and feminine voice with a thick Japanese accent. Hearing that, his wife glances at him in horror as she watches his face drastically warp into a feminine complexion with higher cheekbones and a softer jawline while his eyes become slanted. He touches his face in shock, feeling his nose cracking narrower and his hair cascading down to his shoulders, turning dark brown and wavy. “Why me… rrrikee diss” he stammers, as his body contorts wildly, becoming a few inches shorter and increasingly slimmer.

Barry?! What happened to you?!” his wife gasps in shock, unaware of her own body changing as her hips becomes wider and fat pours into her thighs and ass, causing them to push out to new proportions. Blinking a few times, she cannot believe her eyes watching her 67-year-old husband stare back with a 25 year-old Asian girl’s face. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, her own eyes start to change too as it becomes slanted and her sky-blue irises turn dark brown. Finally glancing down and noticing her changing lower body, she screams in horror, feeling her wrinkly skin tighten with double in sensitivity. The same happens to Barry as his pale skin and aged skin smoothens and becomes hairless with a creamy oriental hue matching his new heritage.

Margr--- Mar… Mira… Heeerrp meee…” Barry stammers in a thick Japanese accent, struggling to remember the name of the wife he married for thirty years. His hips explode outwards into child-bearing proportions as while his ass swells into a bubble butt. Moaning softly, cum trickles from his cock as it unceremoniously inverts into his crotch before leaving a tight slit in its place. His body shudders as his empty balls reform into fertile ovaries and his vagina deepens with moist pink folds outlining his pussy lips. “Mira… 消えてしまった [it’s gone]” he gasps in fluent Japanese, pawing at his flat crotch.

Ba… Biyu…” Mira stammers, as her head throbs with new memories. Her proud European roots shifts into a Korean background as her Caucasian face becomes rounder and doll-like, leaving her lips plump and nose narrow. She touches her face in horror, seeing her recognisable blonde hair turn jet-black before extending down to her lower back. “What we… doing here?” Mira mumbles, hearing her frail old voice deepening into a sultry coo with a thick Korean accent. Hyperventilating, Biyu’s beer belly flattens into a toned core while Mira’s does the same as they remember going to the gym together.

A strange pulsating sensation races through Biyu’s chest as she touches her nipples in confusion, watching them harden and darken. “Ahhn… b-boobies?!” she moans, touching her tender chest as fat floods under her nipples, slowly pushing them out into budding A-cups. The same happens to Mira as her saggy breasts fills with life and flesh as they rapidly inflate with fat. She pants with pleasure as her skin starts to stretch, from her tits expanding into sizes she never had in the past. “They… so heavy” Biyu moans, cupping her breasts as they slowly balloon into hefty E-cups with a deep cleavage down the middle. Memories of cum dripping down her tits as she fucked a guy at a bar fills her mind as she tries to make sense of it all.

Ahhnnn… you want… fucky?” Mira coos, squeezing her tits as she gazes at you. Speechless from shock, you watch the two Asian girls play with their dripping wet pussies where an elderly couple stood minutes ago.

Is that enough proof?!” the genie demands with eyes glowing white hot. As the three Asian girls beg for your cock, you feel Fuxi’s judgmental eyes glaring at you as you desperately try to think of an answer to his question.

So… what’s your one wish?!” Fuxi asks again.


So what do you wish for? Drop your wish into the comments below!

Future stories to come!



I wish for this world to accept freeuse and use sl*ts like these whenever we want


I wish I could get an exotic girlfriend!