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It’s a fucking mess” you gasp, looking around the relatively new apartment as Steven stands besides you with his hands proudly on his hips. Glancing at him, you’re unsure on whether it’s all a prank or he’s genuinely happy with the condition of the place. The smell of something rancid wafts into your nose as you look at all the dirty dishes and garbage bags bundled carelessly in the small kitchen. Despite his rich parents buying him a new apartment for his independence, you’re still trying to understand how he managed to trash the place in mere months. “Don’t you clean up?” you ask, almost stepping on an opened packet of chips as your friend glares at you.

Yeah, I do… can’t you see?” he snaps back, pointing at an area in the room that looks slightly tidier than the others lacking stains or piled up rubbish. Raising your eyebrow sarcastically, you don’t even dare to explore his bathroom as you question his ability to look after himself. Living off his parents for his entire self-entitled life, he never cooked or did chores at home and only relied on his parents for money. “You’re acting like my mom” Steven scoffs in denial as you wonder how he managed to survive alone for a few months. Despite his childish and arrogant personality, he has been a good friend since high school, and you feel obliged to help him out.

Maybe you should clean it… a bit more…” you say hesitantly in hopes of Steven agreeing to your suggestion. To your disappointment, he crosses his arms in defiance and glares at you angrily muttering a few words under his breath. “What are y--- ahh” you groan as an intense wave of nausea hits you. Confused, you wonder if you contracted food poisoning from the lunch you had with him at a nearby café prior to visiting his apartment. Clutching your head, you try to alleviate the pain as your thoughts start to slow down and your panic subside unnaturally.

Shut up” Steven shouts at you as your jaw instantly locks up and prevents you from uttering a single word. Despite all your efforts to control your mouth, it remains closed as you stare at your friend in shock. A sheepish smile creeps across his face as he takes out a vial with a shimmering blue liquid inside and waves it mockingly in front of you. “Time to test this out” he grins, as you suspect that he poured some into your drink when you weren’t looking at the café. Bolting forward, you try to snatch the vial out of his hands, “freeze!” Steven shouts, as your entire body becomes rigid in an awkward pose. Mumbling from your closed mouth, you try to move your limbs, but they remain unresponsive.

What do you really think of my apartment?” he asks with a smirk and a strange glow in his eyes. You want to scream at him and run away but you stand motionless in front of him. However, after a few seconds, your jaw suddenly loosens, and you try to yell for help.

“It’s practically unlivable with all this filth. You should be ashamed of yourself” you blurt out robotically as your eyes widen in shock. That thought was definitely on your mind, but you never intended to say it aloud in front of him. To your horror, your lips start to move again uncontrollably, “the bathroom is probably a mess and the kitch---” you say but Steven forces you to stop by raising his hand.It’s practically unliveable with all this filth. You should be ashamed of yourself” you blurt out robotically as your eyes widen in shock. That thought was definitely on your mind, but you never intended to say it aloud in front of him. To your horror, your lips start to move again uncontrollably, “the bathroom is probably a mess and the kitch---” you say but Steven forces you to stop by raising his hand.

Okay… that’s enough” Steven says with a menacing tone after hearing your harsh but honest opinion of his apartment. Your jaw locks shut again, stopping you from shouting as your body slowly relaxes and remains in an upright position with your arms to your side like a robot. “Since it’s so bad… you can clean it for me” Steven smirks as your blood runs cold, realizing what that entails. Your head slowly nods submissively as you drop to your knees and start to pick up the rubbish around you in silence while he watches you. “Act like a maid since you’re cleaning” he adds as you feel your mouth loosen again.

Y-yes master” you reply timidly instinctively as you dump a few more sticky plastic cups into the rubbish bag. The smell of rotten food becomes almost unbearable as you walk closer towards a stack of trash in the corner of the living room, but your body forces you to continue. “Master… I’ll clean this room first” you say flatly as you find a feather duster and walk towards a cabinet filled with his anime figurines.

Woah… you need to be really careful with those” Steven shouts, seeing you reach into the glass cabinet. Your hand suddenly freezes as you feel a strange pulsating sensation flowing through your body.

Yes, master” you say again but your hands start to spasm, almost causing you to drop the feather duster. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you watch your fingers slowly crunch slimmer with glossy nails extending out. Your tendons pop as your hands shrink, and your wrists become narrower, exposing your delicate fingers. The changes rush up your arm as your biceps melt into a thin layer of fat around your dainty limbs only capable of housework. With your feminine hands, you manage to reach and clean every corner of his cabinet and figurines without breaking anything.

Noticing the changes to your hands, a sheepish smile spreads across Steven’s face as an idea form in his head. “You can talk, but only politely back at me” he says, seeing your eyes wide in fear and confusion as you start to dust other parts of the room.

M-master… my hands… change them back!” you whimper as your body continues to move robotically around the room regardless of your input. Bending down to pick up more rubbish and dirty plates from the floor, you start to sweat from all the awkward movement. “Master… I’m tired” you pant, feeling a bead of sweat run down your forehead as Steven lazily sits on the couch and watches you.

You need a more suitable height” Steven replies as a familiar sensation flows through your body, making you shiver. You try to understand what that implies as your knees suddenly give way, and you crumple to the dirty floor. Sounds of bone popping and muscle moving fills the room as your body contorts wildly, causing you to arch your back sharply a few times as your spine shrinks and becomes curvier.

Mmmphh… owww…” you groan in pain as your back pops back into place and you feel a strange pressure on your chest. Breathing heavily, your ribs contract loudly and squeezes your lungs smaller to better fit your new frame. Slightly winded, you feel nauseous as your diaphragm shrinks and your stomach flattens into a toned core with the purpose of bending down repeatedly. Awkwardly standing back up the room feels larger than before as you realize that you’re a few inches shorter than before with Steven towering over you. “M-master… stop… changing me” you whimper but he just chuckles at you.

Let me see that ass of yours” Steven snickers mischievously as you look at him in horror. Forced to continue with your cleaning duties as a maid, you bend down to pick up more rubbish on the floor as an immense pressure builds in your ass. Wincing in surprise, you feel yourself bending lower than usual as your ass points up in the air and you hear fabric tearing. “Come on… give me more” Steven taunts as your pelvis suddenly gives way, letting out a bone splintering snap as it explodes outwards into child-bearing proportions. Your eyes widen in shock and embarrassment, feeling a cold breeze against your ass as you realize that your pants have ripped in half. Fat continues to flood the sides of your broad hips, pushing them wider until your tattered pants comedically slide lifelessly down your legs, revealing an hour-glass figure from your vast hips and narrow waist.

Master… please…” you whimper with your face red in embarrassment as your body remains bent over with your ass facing Steven and your dick hanging freely. Contrary to your pleading, you feel waves of fat flood into your ass cheeks, causing them to rapidly swell up and tighten. “Oooh… God…” you groan, feeling your skin stretch as it tries to contain all the flesh in your newly formed bubble butt. You hear Steven cheer in excitement as your hands obey his command and slowly spreads your ass cheeks apart revealing your tight asshole tingling to be penetrated.

Spending time obediently cleaning the living room with your bare bubble butt completely visible to your friend’s lewd stares, you let out a sigh of relief when it’s finally sparkling clean. You can’t help but feel your wide hips swaying side to side alluringly with every step you took for the past few minutes. “Master, I’m done” you blurt out as you stand still, and your hands fall lifelessly to your side as you await Steven’s next command.

You can clean my kitchen next” Steven laughs, seeing you glaring him in anger as your starts moving towards it. Sounds of empty wrappers and rubbish crunch under your feet as you trundle over another minefield of trash carelessly discarded by your friend. “Hey! Be more careful with my stuff” Steven shouts jokingly as a strange warmth start to pulsate at your feet. Suddenly stumbling forward, you hear your feet crunch loudly as they shrink a few sizes with dainty toes and pedicured nails extending out matching your fingers. Letting out a grunt and bracing against the kitchen bench, you feel your calves cramp up and become slimmer while your thighs start to tremble with activity. Uncomfortably shifting your weight between your slender legs, you gasp aloud as fat starts to pour into your thighs, stretching the skin too. Biting your lower lip to prevent yourself from moaning, you look down to see your thighs expanding with fat to match your bubble butt and use up all the space your hips created. Your knees feel weak as your highly sensitive inner thighs rub against each other and smother your balls in between.

M-master… It’s so dirty… and disgusting” you mumble in revulsion, seeing all the stains and rubbish piled around the kitchen. Contrary to your honest opinion, your body moves robotically and grabs sticky objects to clean as you grimace internally. Every step you make causes your thighs and ass to jiggle, massaging your balls in between and making you blush with arousal. To your horror, your dick becomes painfully erect as you continue with the chores; scrubbing the grime off the dishes tempts you to rub your dick in a similar motion to relieve the sudden horniness. After an hour of cleaning, the kitchen is also completely spotless as you dry your hands on a towel. “Master… all done” you say again with slight satisfaction seeing a tidier apartment.

Hmm… you can…. Make me a sandwich” Steven replies, chuckling at his own sexist joke as you instinctively want to snap back at him, but your submissive body keeps your mouth shut. Your blood runs cold as he walks closer towards you, ogling your ass and thick thighs before playfully squeezing your right ass cheek. His breath smells bad, and you can see the unorganized stubble on his chin, making you want to recoil back in disgust, but your body remains motionless. “Hmmm… for a maid… I prefer… French? Asian? Latina?” Steven thinks aloud as you feel your face tingle all over. Remembering his anime figurine collection in the living room, your heart drops in realization as your body moves automatically around the kitchen collecting ingredients for the sandwich. “You can be my Japanese maid” Steven smirks sinisterly, confirming your fears.

Master… no… please… I don’t wan---” you whimper, hearing your voice cracking higher into a sultry and feminine tone with a thickening Japanese accent. Covering your mouth in horror, you feel your lips filling up into pillowy cock sleeves as sweet saliva drips from the corner of your lip. Coughing a few times, your Adam’s apple disappears, leaving your neck slender as your broad shoulders loudly crunch inwards and becomes rounder with high collarbones highlighting your swanlike neck. “C-change me back…” you sniffle as your nose crunches narrower into a cute button nose while a layer of make-up cakes your face. Without warning, your cheekbones pop higher and your jawline softens, giving you a rounder and more feminine appearance. Scratching your itchy scalp, your short hair rapidly lengthens and cascades down to your shoulders, becoming jet black and silky smooth. With your vision temporary obstructed, your hands instinctively tuck your long fringe behind your ear as Steven stares at his creation. “M-master… this isn’t me…” you sob, hearing your heavy Japanese accent as you cringe at your own voice. “I’m… I’m…” you stammer repeatedly, struggling to remember your own name as your thighs become hazy. Tears of frustration form in your eyes as they widen into a slanted almond complexion while your irises turn dark brown. Blinking back the tears, your eyelashes grow longer as Steven admires your completely Asian appearance and new Japanese heritage.

Don’t be silly, Akari” Steven chuckles as your mind races after hearing your name; something feels off, but you remember everyone calling you that. Your thoughts are weirdly fragmented as you vaguely remember living in Tokyo since childhood and migrating to a different country. “Finished with my sandwich?” Steven asks, interrupting your pondering as your hands layer the last piece of lettuce and places a slice of bread on top.

Yes, Master” you reply with a faint smile, proud of the meal you made as hundreds of new Japanese recipes and years of cooking experience floods into your head. Your hooded eyelid twitches as you try to comprehend it all, watching Steven hungrily devour your sandwich. “M-master… me… change back…” you stammer in broken English as you struggle to form a coherent sentence in your shifting mind. Japanese kanji takes the place of your diminishing English vocabulary as it becomes increasingly harder to read the words on packages around the apartment. You shudder as a cold sweat runs down your spine, causing all your bodily hair to fall off and leave your skin smooth and unblemished with a creamy oriental hue matching your Asian ethnicity.

Feeling a little guilty from your pleading and struggles, Steven lets out a sigh and crosses his arms in thought. “Fine… you can control your body… but if you ever disobey me… there’ll be consequences” he says menacingly as a wave of warmth rushes through your petite body, and you can finally move. Anxious to see the changes he did to you over the past few hours, you rush into his bedroom for the mirror, shivering from the sensations of your ass jiggling and your hips swaying side to side with every step. Your jaw drops in shock to see a short Japanese girl staring back with long luscious hair and wide curves.

Master… what happen… if me… bad?” you ask timidly, seeing Steven’s reflection behind you in the mirror. You can barely recognise yourself as your doe-like eyes scan every corner of your body for any traces of your old self excluding your obviously erect dick.

I’ll make you sluttier every time” Steven replies as you begin to panic, not wanting to anger him and become a sex-crazed Japanese maid for the rest of your life. Pushing some of his dirty laundry off his bed, a sheepish smile spreads across his face after seeing the fear in your eyes. “Since you’re here… you can clean my bedroom too” he grins, as you hesitate for a second, but quickly reach down to pick up all the clothes scattered across the floor. To your surprise, your hands move on muscle memory as you efficiently fold all the clothes from years of maid experience engrained into your head.

After some time, the bedroom is also spotlessly clean as you wipe a bead of sweat from your forehead. You’re glad that he didn’t notice your look of disgust after finding balls of scrunched up tissue on the floor reeking of cum and sex toys under his bed. “すべて完了 [all done]” you say in fluent Japanese as Steven looks up from his phone after waiting for you to complete the task.

fluent Japanese as Steven looks up from his phone after waiting for you to complete the task.

Aren’t you feeling hot? Take off your shirt” Steven says, noticing the patches of sweat as you blush red in embarrassment. Not wanting to disobey him, you hesitantly strip off your shirt, leaving you completely nude in front of him and feeling the refreshing air-conditioned breeze brush along your back. “As my maid… you have other duties, right?” Steven asks rhetorically as it slowly dawns on you, and you begin to panic again. You consider running out of the apartment to get help, but you know he can stop you with a single word before you manage to step out of his bedroom. “Let’s start on top” he says with a smirk as you feel a familiar pulsating sensation on your chest.

Ahhnnn… no… m-master… ちょうだい[please]…” you squeal, clutching your chest with your feminine hands as your nipples quickly harden and become puffy while your areolas darken and doubles in size. Your breaths quicken as you feel waves of fat move under your skin and accumulate beneath your nipples, pushing them out into budding A-cups. “Mmmmphh… やめて [stop it]!” you whimper as your chest continues to pulsate, causing your breasts to expand into B-cups.

Let me see your boobs” Steven giggles like a pubescent boy, watching you shudder as your body changes to his commands. Feeling humiliated and exposed in front of his lustful eyes, you cover your expanding breasts with your hands and shiver from merely grazing your nipples. Shyly turning your back to him, you also try to hide your throbbing boner encouraged by the new sensations blossoming from your breasts.

N-no… 変態[pervert]” you snap back irritably, still wanting to return to your old body. Your blood runs cold as you glance back to see Steven furiously glaring at you with his fists clenched. Remembering the fantasies he had for obedient girls from all the anime he watched, you realize the mistake you just made. Instantly regretting what you just said, you try to calm him down, “I… I mean…” you stammer but it’s too late.

Show me your tits, you slutty maid” Steven shouts at you, making you flinch back in fear as your head starts to throb.

“I mean… you… have fun… with me” you blurt out, unable to think properly with a hazy mind. Your round shoulders slump back as you suddenly feel extremely horny from Steven’s gaze. Feeling compelled to show off your tingling breasts to him, you happily arch your curvy back and thrust your chest forward for him to see clearly. “You like?” you coo, squeezing your expanding breasts with your hands as they become modest C-cups. The corner of your lips curl into a sheepish smile as memories of hot cum splattering all over your breasts and dicks grinding in your cleavage seep into your mind. You always loved showing off your perfect tits to your master and letting him play with them all night.

あなたのためだけに [Just for you]” you whisper into Steven’s ear as you grab both his hands and place them on your breasts. Shuddering from the roughness of his palms rubbing against your sensitive nipples, you smile lustfully as he starts to squeeze your tits. Breathing heavily, you feel his manly fingers sink into your soft flesh as your tits swell into round D-cups. “Ahnnn… more…” you moan encouragingly as he starts to pinch your nipples, sending you into an orgasmic bliss. Your skin continues to stretch to contain all the mammary fat flooding into your breasts as Steven playfully gropes your heavy E-cups hanging from your chest like udders. Hyperventilating, you lurch forward from the sudden weight as you feel your tits heaving up and down with every breath while your cavernous cleavage jiggles in between.

Finally recovering from the euphoric high, your mind slowly clears, and you blush red in embarrassment the moment you realize what you just did. “くそ [oh my god]” you gasp, looking down to see your E-cups swaying and jiggling on your chest. The reflection in the mirror confirms your fears as a typical busty and curvy Japanese maid from Steven’s fantasies stare back. To your surprise, your mind occasionally wanders to the thought of cum on your tits that has been engrained in your mind. “M-master… Me… no slut” you stammer, trying to get rid of all the new memories but they remain.

Well… your dick says you are” Steven laughs jokingly as he points at your painfully erect cock with pre-cum already dripping from the tip on the verge of orgasming. You discern that your dick must’ve been aroused from your breasts being fondled by him and the slow corruption of your personality into a slutty maid. “Let’s finish it” he grins as you look at him in confusion. Before you can react, Steven touches the tip of your dick, causing your knees to buckle and cum to spray out.

Uuuhhh… OOohhh…” you moan with your eyes rolled back as cum splatters all over the bedroom floor. To your horror, your dick continues to expel cum from your balls until they become empty and shrivelled before slurping into your crotch and reforming into ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body. “Master… please… me… no girl” you whimper between sobs as you feel your dick slowly shrink and inverts into your crotch with a loud gurgle. Stifling a moan, you notice a more transparent and less viscous fluid seep out from a slit where the base of your cock used to be. Your insides continue to churn as it makes space for your new organ, prompting moist pink folds to push out from your pussy like a blossoming flower. “Me… have pussy?!” you gasp in disbelief in a thick Japanese accent as you pat your flat crotch, feeling your puffy slit and wetness of the tight opening.

Still burning with arousal and curiosity, you hesitantly slip a finger into your pussy folds, feeling the warmth envelop your finger as it pushes deeper. “Uhh… oohh… mmmmphh…” you pant with your mouth agape as you finally rub your clitoris recently reformed from the tip of your dick. Your body jolts with ecstasy as you slide more fingers into your vagina, wanting to explore more.

Okay that’s enough, Akari” Steven says, snapping you out of your orgasmic daze as you pull your hand out with a wet slurp, seeing strings of juices trailing behind. Realizing that he was watching you finger yourself for the past few minutes, you look away shamefully for indulging in your feminine body despite wanting to return to your original self. “Let’s get you dressed up” he says, as a frilly French maid outfit wraps around your petite body, showing off your cleavage and wide hips. You let out a gasp as a thin panty wraps around your crotch but slips between your pussy folds and becomes instantly soaked in your juices. To complete the outfit, a choker wraps around your slender neck and a frilly maid bonnet appears on your head as you look at your revealing costume in the mirror.

It’s just my bathroom left for you to clean” Steven smirks as you glance inside and instantly feel revolted. However, not wanting to disobey him and become a mindless bimbo, you begrudgingly begin to clean it, awkwardly fumbling from your massive breasts and constantly tingling pussy begging to be filled. After an hour of intense grime scrubbing and cleaning the bathroom while avoiding gagging in front of Steven, it finally glistens like new.

Ah good job, Akari” Steven grins as you smile back, happy from him praising you for being an adequate maid. Proud at yourself for cleaning his entire apartment, you begin to wonder if he’ll change you back after completing all his tasks. Ignoring you for a while, Steven continues to read his messages and let out a grunt of annoyance. “Fuck… I didn’t know it’s today…” he mutters to himself as you look at him in confusion.

You begin to feel uneasy as you watch Steven frown in thought for a while before smiling mischievously with a plan. “So… my parents are visiting tonight… and I told them I have a girlfriend…” he mumbles as your eyes widen in realization and you slowly back away from him. You’ve had enough and just want to go home like nothing happened but it’s too late as you feel yourself heat up. “You’ll be my girlfriend for now” Steven says nonchalantly, seeing your body crumple to the floor and contort.

N-No… I don’t want to… babe” you shout, covering your mouth in horror at what you called him. A wave of tingles rush through your body as you look down to see your maid outfit vaporizing, revealing your darkening sun tanned skin. The contour of your face shifts a little as it becomes less cutesy and develops a more seductive appearance. “H-honey…m-my voice!” you squeal, hearing your lustful tone as your Japanese accent becomes less apparent and you become proficiently bilingual. Your Asian heritage becomes more Americanized as your body continues to shift into Steven’s dream girlfriend.

You need to act more natural” Steven hisses angrily as you look at yourself in the mirror, slightly recognising the girl he tried to hit on a few nights ago at a club. You glare back with contempt noticing a rising boner in his pants as he slowly approaches you. “Unless I force you to become my passionate girlfriend” Steven threatens with a slight smirk. Remaining silent and submissive, you nod your head and look up at him with your wide doe-like eyes, not wanting to anger him again. “Let’s get to know each other…” he says, guiding you towards his bed and leaning forward for a kiss.

Feeling disgusted but not wanting to disobey him, you hesitantly purse your lips and quickly kiss him before pulling away. “Babe, I don’t wan---- mmpphhhh” you mumble but he silences you as he grabs the back of your head and kisses you on the lips before you can react. His tongue slips into your mouth, tasting your sweet saliva as you try to recoil back but your heart starts to pound faster. Your tongue twirls around his as you reluctantly return the kiss, slightly enjoying the gentle sway of his lips against yours. Steven’s and your legs unintentionally interlock as he pulls you closer on the bed, pressing your petite body against his hulking mass.

Oommphhh… oohhh… my godddd” you moan between breaths as Steven’s hand runs up your stomach and starts to grope your E-cup breasts. Your body shudders with pleasure as he begins to massage your tits and playfully pinch your nipples. Overwhelmed by all the senses and his manly scent, you remain powerless to his advances as he tilts his head to suck on your nipples. “Uuhh… yes…” you blurt out, barely able to control your urges from all the hormonal changes. Your body tingles and craves for more as he continues to explore your curves and delicate skin.

やばい [oh my god]!” you squeal, feeling Steven’s fingers spreading your tight pussy lips apart. Encouraged by the wetness in your crotch, he pushes his fingers deeper and rubs against your clitoris, making you jolt with ecstasy. Your eyes roll back in a daze as he starts to side his fingers all around your warm pussy, causing juices to spray out and soak his bed. “早く [faster]” you moan, wanting him to satisfy your natural urges, but you feel a shift in weight as he effortlessly pushes you onto your back and grabs your hips with both hands.

Bursting with arousal with your crotch aching to be penetrated, you lustfully gaze at your boyfriend and alluringly wink at him, “fuck me… I need it” you moan. Without hesitation, Steven thrusts his throbbing cock into your pussy, making you flinch from the slight pain of your slit stretching to fit it all in. Grunting slightly, he plunges deeper into you as your warm vaginal muscles grip his dick, and peel back his foreskin as it starts to pump in and out of you. “Uhh… yessss… fuuuuck me…” you pant as he pounds your pussy, causing your milky breasts to bounce hypnotically in unison. Your eyebrows furrow and you bite your lower lip as his cock rams against your womb, enjoying every second of it and craving for more.

Without warning, Steven grunts loudly and shudders as cum explodes into your pussy, filling it to the brim as some starts to leak out. Feeling the bulge of cum inside your body, you smile with satisfaction as you slowly recover from all the orgasms. Feeling your boyfriend’s dick slide out of your pussy with a wet slurp, your vagina already aches to be filled again. “Babe… can you make dinner for us and my parents while I take a shower?” Steven asks, hopping off the bed with cum still dripping from the tip of his dick.

Hearing his deep manly voice, you smile lovingly and nod your head, “of course, honey” you reply. With cum still leaking from your pussy down your thighs, you walk into the kitchen to begin cooking, remembering the Japanese curry rice you always made. Humming to yourself a childhood song you recall fondly from Japan, you hear the shower turn on in the distance as you prepare the ingredients. After some time, the bedroom door opens, and Steven walks out completely nude with a sheepish smile while his cock sways side to side. Your eyes instantly lock onto his girthy cock as you start to salivate, “babe… I’m not done cooking” you coo, feeling your heartbeat faster.

Would you like entrée?” Steven asks with a smirk as you hurriedly toss the rice into the cooker and rush over to him. Not wanting to waste time before his parents arrive, you fall to your knees and excitedly wrap your hands around his cock, slowly running your slender fingers along his shaft. “Come on babe” he grunts encouragingly as you eagerly wrap your plump lips around his dick and let him slide it to the back of your throat. Almost gagging, your lips touch the base of his cock and your tongue wraps around his dick as he starts to thrust it in and out of your mouth. Greedily slurping on it with your saliva coating it everywhere, you moan loudly as you taste the salty reward. You can’t wait to be introduced to your boyfriend’s parents and hold his child in nine months’ time as you start a family with the love of your life. “I love you, Akari” Steven murmurs, realizing that he didn’t have to force you to become his girlfriend.

I love you too, babe” you gulp back with your mouth full with his dick.



Wish there more maid tgs form you they are always interesting to read