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I’m not kidding. I could care less. I’m not gunna sit here & allow patreon to become a toxic cesspool. I’m legit about to start banning people who are being toxic lil shits. We’re about to hit 3k patreon subs, let’s go backwards a few hundred if it means getting these toxic, whiny children out of here.

To be clear, I’m not mad. I’m setting the precedent. Ignoring this stuff allows the toxicity to foster. I’m not letting that happen, people that act like this need to know they aren’t welcome here. Spending less than a McDonald’s meal doesn’t entitle you to respect. Being a respectful & decent person is what entitles you to respect.



What happened??

Rikin Patel

It’s so crazy to me how people feel you need to work at their pace like WTF LMAO


Why the hell people having an issue with this?! It’s not like you’re reacting to like 10 different anime or anything


Ikr! Why do people do this much drama for two filler eps lmao Get a life people

M p

i agree😁


People were being toxic that he watched a few filler episodes.


dude deadass. i even said that in the last post. toxic af lmao


He’s watching filler after wasting days watching what happened to the straw hats instead making it one video of 4 episodes and been at Marineford by now. I’m definitely thinking about unsubscribing.😂


People seriously need to chill


Lol, fragile ego


Saturday and Wednesday sounds good for me! I’m only here for one piece and I’m so satisfied with what i get here, F those toxic ppl

Connor Sievers

That's so ok for me. Toxic people ruin the fun you have on this journey. Gettem outa here 😂


Yall done pissed him off lol



Josep Guilaña

Dude wtf, people need to realise people enjoy diferent things let him enjoy what he enjoys, that's all


Nah not mad. Just stating ,I don’t need their money the way they need reactions.

Rikin Patel

Fam weren’t you the one agreeing to every comment on the post saying Ruff is milking Marineford? Like come on bro stop the cap


No because ignoring sets the precedent that it’s okay. It’s not, I’m taking out the trash

Kirby Glover

Man do people not realize they can just not watch the episodes they don't like? That's what I'm doing, and I'm not gonna cancel my subscription, cause even if I don't want to watch the episodes I still like your content overall


Keep doing you man I personally love your reactions keep up the good work


People talking about unsubscribing as if their $5 is what's keeping you off the streets.


Yo Ruff I’m just here to say thank you for everything you put out! Sorry people have issues understanding how to ask others to do something nicely instead of being selfish pricks. NGL I wish you’d read subtitles more since you missed the one guy in JJK that said tuna and Mayo has been saying literally only stuff like that since the start & it was explained why, but I ain’t about to start attacking you and saying you’re doing a bad job or some shit. You do you man, it’s clearly something a lot of people enjoy to watch.


Why do people complain about this stuff. Just watch something else or do something else until he's done with the filler. There is a world out there besides watching online videos.


Hey ruff congratulations on 3k Patreons!

Vzoom SZN

Well I mainly watch the Black Clover reactions but there’s no reason for people calling him greedy after all it’s his channel and y’all chose to subscribe I hope these people don’t ruin your joy of reacting ruff because we enjoy the reactions out here

Keny Vasquez

I was so happy when I saw the one piece notification


your one piece reactions are incredible dont let people get you down !!

Kristian Butler

I’m glad you’ve been watching these, I never did and it’s a cool experience.


Some people just don't understand the expresion "if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all". I know if I have any negative comments I just keep it in my head & not post it on the internet for everyone to see


People are really being whiney shits over a few episodes? Y'all realize this is his job right? There's plenty of One Piece to get through, Ruff taking a few filler episodes to decompress and breath isn't going to kill you 🙄🙄


He’s obligated to his opinion of how another human should feel about how he does something just like I’m obligated to my opinion of how to feel about how he does something. Plenty of other creators to support on this app. I juts noted he could be witnessing the greatness that is marinford by skipping a recap.😂 If he wanna take 10 years to catch up then fine.


People really need to stop. It’s always about how you catch up and if you wanna watch certain episodes go for it. I’m just excited to see your journey continue with OP


People acting like watching “fillers” and “recap” ep is a crime now 🙄 like chill people. Anyway, still love your reactions Ruff!


Love your reactions (watching all of em) I see why you post this ppl just can't wait to see more but the way they show it in the comments is anoying for sure

Christian Jann

Sorry Ruff, i don't want to be toxic. I not gonna hate you. I just say, that i am disappointed, thats all. I guess, there are subscribers that are toxic and say very, very ugly words about or to you, and thats absolute bullshit. You are right, If we don't want to wait, we could unsubscribe. I gonna stay at your side. Its fun to watch with you (except the times were you talk and doesnt really react to some amazing scenes...). I just want to express my emotions when i have them. No hate. Still love you. ;)

enrike funes

Tbh I don’t mind it, I though I was going to but then I remembered it’s ruff🤷🏾‍♂️I like watching you react to anime bro


"To be clear, I'm not mad." Lol

Annelies Michiels

I'm just surprised so many people apparently skip your intros. You've been saying since Wednesday, you're going to watch and upload the recap filler episodes. Which while I found it a shame we'd have to wait longer, I respect your choice to do this. Anyway, in prep for Marineford, I just read the whole arc yesterday. Hyped for Wednesday!


Damn don't even want to look at the comments for that last video, sorry rough. Like I get everyone is hyped for marineford but the discussion should've been done after the first video where you TOLD US what you were gonna do. Some ppl act like throwing a tantrum is gonna change rough's mind.

Devron Love

Right, if he wants to take 10 years then fine. So what’s the point of your comment??


What happend? Nvm I read the comments lol


Can somebody explain to me what exactly happened because I am confused (apparently some people are shitting on ruffs onepiece reactions?)


fr it’s only $5 u can work at whatever pace u want


love your reactions ruff!


Totally no hate. You’re giving valid criticism. Not accusing me of “milking” a series due to greed 😂 Cuz you know a whopping 3 days is really gunna change up my income 😂

Joel Carmona

I’m mad that I have to wait another days to get where I want him to see 😂 but I’m use to waiting for episodes to come out another day I’m just happy that I can enjoy other ppl watching the whole thing without skipping cause ever episodes in one piece is special can’t wait to see his reaction to other episodes 🤟🏾

Eren Yeager

From what I’m getting at, is that people got comfortable with ruff posting 9 eps a week and now it’s (6eps) and that he posted back to back filler reactions.


How come people don't like how you handle the video at the first place, but they pay some money to subscribe. That is just not make any sense. Get em Ruff!!


You tell 'em Ruff I noticed the few Patreon creators I follow have to deal with this we true followers who know you got a life outside of this support you don't let them drag you down. To those toxic "fans" get the fuck outta here he don't want you and we don't want you either. You don't need to spend that $5 if it bothers you that much he can post the way he feels like doing, if your that mad unsubscribe.

Jim Nasium

Lol never seen a bunch of Karen's complain so much about fillers as if Ruff is going to ruin his enjoyment of the series to do what a small amount of people are demanding. "Wah wah I want to speak to the Patreon manager" 😂😂

Edwin Torres

Bruh they really crying over filler episodes being posted?


People should never be disrespectful whether they're paying or not. No one here is allowed to do whatever they want and throw toxic shit in the comments, and if you do that, you are just a bunch of low-key Tenryuubitos


I'm here for ruffs reaction. If your here for one piece go to like tekking or Rogersbase. Stop pestering him. The way to watch one piece is to enjoy it and that's what he's doing. Do you really think that if some one told you how to watch one piece you would listen? SO STOP PESTERING HIM YOU FOOLS


These people are acting like they have to pay for every single individual episode separately 😂 interesting take on "robbing". Go buy some patience with that hard earned 5$ 💞

The Hobbler

I just don't understand. Isn't the point of being a patreon subscriber so we can enjoy episodes in full with this fine fella?


Okay, I usually dont say much on Patreon, and this might look like im defending these people, but its not the case so just read please. I get your point 100%, and understand what you are going for, but for a few people, at least me, the 5$ isnt as little as a fast food meal, because of where I come from. It is money I chose to spent on someone I enjoy and want to support, and the way you said things there might come across as dismissive of the rest of your patreons that arent being bitches. Again, not attacking you, just felt like saying this, and thank you for the reactions.


He explained in the intros on those videos. It's only temporary and the fillers grouped together better narratively as 2 episode videos than three.


Honestly, glad you're saying something about it. This was getting ridiculous. But it's great you're not as impacted as you could be, I guess you're used to the BS the web can being sometimes. Some people just don't understand how much of an effect toxic words can have on someone's psyche and emotional state, even on a subconscious level. Take care, your one piece reactions have been my favourite so far out of all the reactors I've seen !


Honestly man, you can do you, but the way you handle things isn't any less toxic than the people you are addressing.


Chill guys, just let ruff enjoy his own journey


It’s your journey bro. If people can’t accept that, that’s a them issue


At the start i didnt like your reactions. I thought you were overanalyze anime. After serveral weeks of patreon, i think you just genuine. Ps: dont overanalyze my text. Englisch is not my nativ language.


I think that people are just salty that they are getting only 4eps a week and fillers at that. Guys you just need to learn patience and you will be good. 😂

Kevin Schomaker

While I can understand the fans being hyped for Marineford (I definitely am!), that is no way to treat Ruff, who continues to entertain us no matter what. And seriously, don't skip the intro and outro. If you didn't, you would have known that Ruff wasn't starting Marineford today anyway.


I understand that people want more of one piece and thats why they might be frustrated, but Ruff has good set of reactions posted every day.. I love it! okey today was a filler so what?, I will watch black clover today, yesterday i watched GrandBlue, and jujutsu kaisen in earlier days.... DW Ruff...and i totally understand your non tolerance policy for toxicity! hell you are not a slave of patreons, good call doing announcement! okey, gotta watch your black clover reaction! bye

Devron Love

I think we have to be able to realize who the message is for and leave it at that. I’m not attacking you either, but not everything is for everyone and clearly he’s talking to a specific group of people. But even if he does mean everyone, he doesn’t have to care about any of us, he isn’t obligated to care. It’s nice that he does and you can tell because he shows it. But, he doesn’t have to, he can simply upload his reactions and make his money without engaging with us or giving his intros and outros letting us know how he feels about his supporters. I think people tend to forget that business in transactional, and emotional attachments aren’t necessarily a requirement for this business transaction. We pay, we get early access to content, that the long and short of it, emotions aren’t a part of that package. But this is moot, because he does care. $5 can be a lot to some, that’s why it’s important what we choose to spend our money on, the key word there is CHOOSE, we have a choice, if we don’t like something, make a different choice . I’m not directing that at you, just saying in general~~


Still not a fan of the filler but you gotta respect a man when he makes a point lol It's not like you can't just skip a month and keep watching when Ruff is done with something you don't want to see.

Devron Love

How is he being toxic in his handling of the situation? I’m a bit older than a majority of you guys so maybe that’s why I don’t understand what you mean.


(I’m into the Pokémon series so excuse me for having this joke pop into my head 🤣) Angry people use Toxic comments on Ruff! Ruff has a heart of steel! Angry people’s Toxic comments have no effect on Ruff!


for real let the mans watch and react to his animes, when its an ep you dont wanna watch dont watch it, we get so many episodes a week and ppl complain when they get one they dont wanna see


This is how its done. TELL EM RUFF. RUFF EM UP pun intended

Aleksander Wertynski

I have been gone a week on holidays and now I am confused, what happened here?


dang toxic ppl just let ruffspenpai do what he wants


In all seriousness though. I’m sorry you have to go through this much toxicity Ruff. I said it in the other chat but you do you. I love watching your reactions, filler or not. You give me a good laugh when I need one or I’m sad right along with you. Keep doing you and watch what you wanna watch in this! 😁


that there is the whole reason why i became a patreon because u dont dont change according to ur fans, the fans should be the ones to accept how u are. you do you man.


People are just impatient. Last year One Piece needed a hiatus due to covid, and you know what we did? We waited. So why can’t we sit and wait patiently for Ruff to get to marineford at his own pace. You’re paying for Ruff here, not One Piece. If you want to watch One Piece, there are plenty of sites where you can watch it for free.


these are the same people who skip the intro and outro maybe if they watched it they would of known you planned to do these episodes like 3 videos ago

Imar Dros

I absolutely love how savage you can be sometimes Ruff. It's one of the main reasons I'm here 😂


I skip the filler, and anyone who doesn't like them can just do the same? Let Ruff watch and post as much filler as he wants. It's his patreon and his content. The small donation you pay every week doesn't decide what he posts or not.

Matthew B

lmao get rekt u whiny bitches


I myself am very satisfied with your content Ruff. ONE PIECE and KH are my 2 favorite things ever, and i’m just happy watching you enjoy and fall in love with one piece the way I did. I’m grateful for all the content you put out! Thank you so much ruff!


Ruff you have certaintly 100% but do you really think getting mad and whiny about that helps? because yes people will change hmmm ... next time post something more like this: I will do my reaction my way. If you will not stop posting disrespectfull comments you will be banned. Thats it. dont act like those whiny mad kids like you said ... but i understant you BTW LOVE YOUR CONTENT

Matthew B

btw it's "couldn't care less" ... "could care less" means you could care less but you don't. lol, love your content ruff.

Monkey D. Luffy

lol im a fan of ruff obviously but i never seen someone talk shit and get complemented so hard for it lol talk about dick ride its like your basically doing what hes talking about and ruff you gotta follow the hustle rules number 1 always take the money come on man you cant turn away money


I know you mention OP specifically here but this might happen again for BC or other shows in time. I personally look forward to reactions of the entire series Ruff starts - regardless of 'filler' - Filler is part of the show too, so if you skip it, you didn't watch the whole show. I guess those referred to in this post can pay for this with their 'patience' or work on getting some, while the rest of us enjoy the ride <3


I don’t know about toxic but if people asks him to do something i don’t see problem, but not order him .


lol people whining because he reacted to a COUPLE of filler episodes (it's not like he reacted to an arc or sth) and I enjoyed his reactions to these episodes. but I gotta say there are some other ways to handle these kinds of situations.

Michael Royal

lol kinda comes off as entitled in a way.. sure its just the price of a mcdonalds meal, but us people who support you. are bassically giving you, your home, your cars, your food, etc. with our support. lol


people wouldnt be toxic if u cared about the viewers instead of their money

Jason Mazurenko

Good on you Ruff, get rid of as much toxicity as you can.


Let me preface this by first saying obviously your point is valid. I don't see how any reasonable person could disagree with it. But ffs. Yes. You are mad, and for not wanting this place to become a toxic cesspool, you sure are contributing to it. It's true that being a patron doesn't entitle people to an undue amount of respect or consideration, but neither does being the creator entitle you to it. Nor does it automatically make your word gospel or exempt you from criticism. This bloviating and barking threats to try and sound authoritative and scary is likely not going to be as helpful as you think, and while obviously the toxic input is a problem and needs to stop, this makes it sound like you're being irrational and lashing out, dismissing everything, valid criticism included. At least that's the way it sounds. Hopefully, your taking to heart the input from members with genuine concerns, and not just applying labels to anyone who isn't slobbing your knob, but this outburst doesn't make it sound that way, and it doesn't come off as wanting to preserve the Integrity of the community. Screaming "if you don't like it, leave! You're not wanted here!" At everyone who doesn't mindlessly nod at everything you say isn't the way to cultivate a healthy community. That's not what a responsible, emotionally sound community manager does. That's how you end up harming your growth both in the online space, and in life. There have been several things you've done across some of your series that I wasn't a fan of, and that I certainly would have done different if I were a Creator, but I'm not, and I've never said anything about them. I ignored them and go about my day, because ultimately it isn't important. So do I count in this purge as well? Or does this post itself put me in the crosshairs? I'm only partially being facetious there. I genuinely don't know where the line is, if there is one. I like to think that this stuff is common sense, but you just never know these days.


No idea whats going on but as my name suggests im HYPED FOR MARINEFORD LESS GOOOO!! Congratz on the 3k, love ya! <3


Posts like this make me more glad I’m paying to subscribe, not less.


Didn't he just tell you to unsubscribe if you dont like it? No subscription = no money.


Agreed fuck them kids , One piece is an amazing adventure and I’m glad you’re taking your time to enjoy it all 👊🏻


stopping and ranting in twitch streams and insulting subs and now addressing "fans" or rather a few rotten apples while always ending with "im not even mad" ... i see a pattern emerging... welp, hope yourr announcement will quiet down some things and that be the end of it

Mike Langford

Love ur content man but it feels like ur calling someone out every time I watch, at a certain point u gotta remember ppl are trolling u and somethings are just better to ignore especially if it can kill the vibe ur trying to promote for ur channel and Patreon. You can easily Ban that person but callin out ur audience every other video or stream doesn’t feel like the way to go about it. Most of us don’t see the comments like that so it can be off putting for us who are tryna rock wit u like dat. Just wanted to leave my 2 cents hope u can get past the haters man cuz if so u might have something here man


why does many people not liking this video (or maybe past videos too) though? imo, it's actually a great thing that Ruff wanted to have a bit of a "break" by not binge watching through all the videos tho. I remembered back when I was binge watching all of the OP videos for the first time, I actually got very tired and end up not enjoying it to my heart content due to all the ups and downs and stress that Oda created on his story (which means it's a very good story though). After all of those epic moments in Impel Down, let him rests and setting up for the Marineford on however he wanted. Personally, I enjoy your reactions so much and I think it's wise to put yourself in a chill situation before going to the Marineford. Just enjoy the "calm before the storm", because after this, you will not getting your rest anymore.

Peacefinder Simply

People are being fking stupid. Don't demand him to change his channel,it's your choice to pay and you shouldn't be paying if you want to change him. It's like a customer at a restaurant thinking thy are entitled to get what thy want when it isn't even on the menu. Why the heck are you there if the restaurant doesn't serve what you want.

Lewis Dawn

what's been happening? how exactly the hell can there be toxicity and drama on reaction videos, of all things? i'm actually genuinely asking, someone please clarify what this is all about, thanks.


ok idk what´s going on but i agree? Being a toxic peace of shit is never good so yes do it. Banning them sounds really good- just do it.


Some people on that post were being idiots and were clearly toxic. I pay 5 bucks to watch your reactions and I'm not that excited about the filler but tbh I would gladly pay 10. But making people feel scared to give any criticism or even suggestions and belittling their contributions doesn't help the toxicity. $5 is easy for some but not for others. Ignoring toxicity allows it to grow but pushing back this hard to scare everyone and make them feel disposable is a bit much.

Sylph Whitewing

i love the way you do the one piece vids bro! those that have issues should just get over it or gtfo

Devron Love

I commented earlier that I think people should be aware that not everything is for everyone. He’s talking specifically to certain people in the post, not everyone, so if it doesn’t apply to you then you have nothing to worry about. That’s my take on it anyway, and I feel his pushback is very tame actually. There’s no need to feel scared or anything bad if you’re not apart of the problem. Don’t make things about you that aren’t, that’s not shade or being mean just I think people tend to do that way too often and create unnecessary problems or conflict where none existed before.

Ash Stitches

I'm sorry I wasn't looking, what are people doing?

Devron Love

I truly don’t understand when people have this response to things. If this is bothering him, getting his feelings out and addressing the issue is the way to go. The post was made specifically for the people who are complaining about the OP reactions, all the rest of us just decided to come here and read up on and comment, but it wasn’t meant for us. He is addressing the people who are being silly. It’s not just one person, it seems more efficient to make a post addressing them all then to individually comment on their comments. And after this post if they continue to behave the same way that’s when the band start. Ignoring doesn’t solve anything, but creates the situation you described, because then the people who really are down to rock with him have to be subjected to the idiots comments and trolling and that makes for a not pleasant environment for everyone. I’ve only seen a few streams so I’ve never seen him actually calling anyone out before this post personally but I 100% agree that he’s doing what he needs to do, and if people don’t like it well not everything or everyone is for everybody. We are all making a choice to be here and if you don’t vibe with it beyond just the content then there are always other choices you can make. I feel like I’ve been saying that quite a bit on this post 😆


i love your reaction ruff i know you love one piece like the rest off us thnx for your hard work i hope u enjoy marineford❤️

Bill Dieterich

Sorry about the toxic douches. The rest of us love how you do things. ^^

Daniel Choi

It's like this is their only source of entertainment lol. I love to watch your reactions but that's not the only thing im waiting for in my life. People need to get hobbies


People saying Ruff is mad must have had a sheltered life lol I mean, for real, he’s calling out all the toxic comments about reacting to 2 episodes of filler, 2 EPISODES! You all think it’s the end of the world and act like you’re not getting your money’s worth. And if you think the episodes before are”Filler” you’re actually stupid and don’t care about One Piece.


99% of the anime is filler, in that the movements, voices, little quirks that you don't see in the manga panels are not there. If you don't want filler, read the manga.


Facts Ruff do your thing bro! Don't let this place turn into a shit show, respect. People gotta understand this his work, and he can handle everything how he prefers to do it.


I also understand not accepting disrespectful behaviour but making a big fuss about it like this also doesn't help. Ranting just makes you appear as childish as the people you consider toxic. This is just my humble opinion, make of it what you will.


I don't know if I'm included in the toxic group but was just slightly disappointed, hoped for at least the third episode today so the arc could start. I listen to your intros so I know you reasoning for it but you also said on your podcast a week or two ago that you were already a bit into Marineford so assuming u are almost done with it now makes the slowing down pace painful because the next part is the most exciting. Does being ahead makes us entitled to viewing that, ofc not. Still imo it would have been preferable to get the canon part out, just my pov.


I didn’t even know patreon had comments . But how many days does ruff post op content anyways?


I get why people would be a little upset, especially because of the next batch of episode are really good, but accusing him of scamming? Seriously? If your that upset then just skip this one and wait. He told us in advance that he was gonna watch these episodes. Why are you guys acting like this is your only source of entertainment. He has a life outside of content creation and isn't obligated to listen to what a bunch of impatient patrons have to say. Let him enjoy the show the way he wants.

Tyler Green

It's funny because i have realized that most of the time the people who complain about all of recaps in the show are the ones who forget like 75% of the story and minor details. I have watched this show in it's entirety 3 times and read it in it's entirety as well and i still learn new things every time.

Martin Westerberg

people get a life outside of watching mr senpai and your day won't be ruined when he dont do what you want him to do :P + he already told you he was gonna watch these episodes :P

Frenzy X

I haven’t even started your one piece reactions yet so I’m hyped to see it now.

Tyler Green

I find it funny that so many people are saying Ruff is greedy when he is literally the only reactor i know of that gives the uncut reactions for $5. Almost ever other Patreon that i have seen is at least $10 for Uncut reactions.


I'm going to be honest. I know he's watching these episodes. I want to watch the Marineford arc already but I'm not gonna yell at him either if he wants to watch them . It's his choice and his channel and he can do what he likes. Im skipping the episodes because I slightly consider them filler but also because Ive seen them several times but again I wont bother Ruff and demand he skip and go straight to Marineford. You keep doing you Ruff. I love your content and ill be happy to wait for when you begin watching Marineford.


Ruff, you do you. Ultimately this is your channel and should be run the way you want to do things, and if people don't like that then there is always just going back to the free content on YouTube and waiting a bit longer for the parts they want to watch for free.

Morgan Hellström

Super mecha freiza did it for 1 dollar. But that doesnt matter. Its not about being greedy. He does what is promised by his tiers. That all that matters in the end. He doesnt promise amount of episodes or anything. He doesnt promise no fillers. So as long as he doesnt break what is promised. It doesnt matter what people think about being greedy or so on.


I say get rid of them


I literally hope he reacts to black clover fillers because the way he is watching them is quickkkk he is almost done only like 100 left. I don't want it to end so I hope he reacts to fillers and Canon and every single thing 😭😭😭


Rightttt people do this on like double dragon bros page to they complain about every little thing like come on mannn let them enjoy the show to and watch at their pace we are paying to be in Ruffs space and who ever else we sub too people shouldn't be as toxic and entitled as they are even for 0$. Giving very much less than childish behaviour


It is setting a precedent. As someone who I'm guessing doesn't create content you wouldn't get it which is understandable. There is a point in time where a creator either makes what they will tolerate abundantly clear or it snowballs out of control. If people cross a line, I will ALWAYS call them out. This is my channel, my community & my content. I will run it the way I want to. Not the way someone else wants it run. If someone wants a channel run a certain way, they can make their own channel, build a community of this size & then they can do that. Until they've done that, I could care less if they dislike how I run things.


That's my thing like yo legit, if I did this on like the last day of the month, and extending it would force people to subscribe another month to get ep 1 of Marine Ford? Okay , fair I can understand that. But like it's a what? 30-40 episode arc? It's gunna take like 2 months to finiish it anyways lol


Oh I know, this is a message for them. Not for y'all that are awesome <3

Luis CK

I think the phrase is “I couldn’t…” but cool, saw this coming since you announced three days with 2 episodes. Didn’t know it was going to be this bad, though.


Please tell me what was whiny? I set a precedent of expectations. It's that simple, if people can not avoid being a toxic shit they will be banned. Some people are too dumb & need a long explanation. Again I'm not mad, I just don't need to put up with it. Today has been a fantastic day. I get excited when I have to ban people, helps clean up the community. Sending out messages & watching people say they are going to unsub is euphoric lol If people think this is mad, they lived a very very sheltered life. I'm happy for them


100% will always accept constructive criticism & recommendations. For some reason though people see my call out someone who called me "greedy" and that I was doing this for money & somehow they take it as no criticism allowed. There's a difference between criticism and slander


Being toxic dicks trying to backseat drive the channel for one filler video


100% and I would never come at you for it. I 100% miss shit, you're just giving constructive criticism and speaking facts, not being an ashole


Fuck these idiots. I think watching these 2 filler episodes will actually make the reactions to marineford better, because unlike us, ruff hasn't seen these scenes a thousand times and it's good to bring the details back to his mind.


I am vibing with the reactions as always man. Don't let the haters get to you. At least we all know they are holding an L, spending money on something that is upsetting them lol




I am a huge black clover fan, but I dont pay attention to a schedule or anything. I dont feel like im "paying for the content" im just supporting the dude who makes it, so when an episode "late", I dont even notice or care, I just get happy I am able to watch another

Yagi di Hoshi

They are both among my favorite shonen anime, if not the top 2 (of my current preference) but as you can see - not only are there JoJo fans who only watch JoJo - there are also One Piece fans who only watch One Piece who, "when they're given an inch-" yeah.... It is a bit upsetting

Michał Zienkiewicz

I seen CROWDS demanding Youtubers to do their bidding JUST cuz they watch them. it s fked up bro. Some ppl have the wrong idea :) about how the world works.

Michał Zienkiewicz

Ppl too often treat creators like slaves, even ppl who never pay a penny. It s up to them to grow up.

Trent Riky

it would be nice to see op more often but he has other things to do, grow up, his reactions are one of the best I have seen, and I'm willing to wait a little longer if it means I get to see some amazing reaction from him.


You could technically stop posting. It's so dumb that people now feel like they decide what the creator should do, you have the right to post whatever you want as long as it doesn't break tos lmao. Keep up the good work.