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Password: ruff69


Ryan King

Why you gotta post this at 12. Now I have to stay up and watch it haha

Ragan Michelle

yes...I am staying up even though I have work at 8 in the morning just to watch 116


Yes it's here!!


these episodes have everyone at the edge of their seats lol.. and love your reaction to the narrator announcing it’s only been three minutes. not everyone can understand why it’s been that short yet long at the same time.

Knocking Master Jiro

Someone show him the "Palace invasion in real time" on YouTube.


https://youtu.be/MjiHClo2rmc Here's the invasion real-time video mentioned last time!!


This is the episode where I stopped liking Gon and started liking Pitou.

Antonio D.

Just a friendly reminder to blink. Your eyes started to twitch, so be careful.


(And yes, before anyone complains, I am still somewhat sympathetic towards Gon in this situation - I'm more mad about how he treats Killua than anything - and I'm not gonna pretend Pitou is a saint or anything, but there's clear moral role reversal going on here)

Jessica Sutherland

WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW AGONIZING IT WAS WAITING FOR YOUR REACTION TO EPISODE 116. Like words are beyond me. AND YOUR REACTION???? PRICELESS!!! I haven't even watched the other episode reaction yet because I was so stoked for this one lmaooo. This is by far, hands down, one of the most top tier anime moments in history. The raw talent of Gon's VA and how emotional she made him sound always blows me away no matter how many times I watch this episode. You can literally FEEL the pressure radiating out of him. It literally, LITERALLY SHAKES ME TO MY CORE LMFAO. Sorry, I know I'm fangirling pretty hard right now but its definitely deserved lmao. Your body vibrating from this episode?????? You ain't ready for the next episodes lemme tell you that right now. Bring the lube..... & Lots of it lmaooooooooooo.


the subversion of the characters of gon and the king/royal guard are masterful. what if the protagonists are the real monsters?


You said you don't want to know who the strongest person is, and I'll respect that, but they did mention something in a previous episode related to that which will not come up again: Zeno (Killua's grandpa) mentioned that Netero had always been stronger than him. I obviously won't say anything more, but that's something which has already been said and won't be mentioned again.

Sylph Whitewing

this is what everyone was afraid of. This is the dark side of gon. this is what all the nen experts felt so deep inside gon. basicly a uncontrolable beast inside caged up within gons happy go lucky side.


This is amazing you can see how gon is becoming more dark and killua is becoming more light which was the opposite in the beginning


This character writing is just... *chef's kiss*


You said you don’t want to know the power chart, I respect that, Not spooling, Zeno said that “NETERO is even stronger than him”, cause he is THE CHAIRMAN OF HUNTER ASSOCIATION man, and in the GREED ISLAND ARC Bisky said that, “GING IS ONE OF THE AMONG TOP 5 BETWEEN NEN USERS”. I already told that’s what’s been told us about in the series till you are now. LOVE YOUR REACTIONS< LOVE FROM INDIA :D


This is the episode where I starting disliking Gon, he comes into the palace for one reason, to save Kite. When Gon confronts Pitou, he would have killed her if Killua wasn’t here to remember Gon’s real objective. Gon then goes on and starts treating Killua like crap. Also, let’s not forget that a few episodes before, when the king wanted Pitou to save Komugi, the narrator said that you would have to have lost all humanity to attack the king at that moment which is why Netero and Zeno didn’t attack. The monster (the king) is starting to become more and more human while the human (Gon) is starting to become more and more a monster.


In case you were wondering why HxH gets called a "dark" shounen, no..It's not because people die when they are killed. It's because a 12yr old kid goes to town and pours all the darkness in his heart on a catgirl. THE FUCKING GALL Jokes aside, holy fucking shit. If they gave out Oscars for voice acting performances, Megumi Han sure as hell just earned herself one. I don't envy the dub actors getting to this part, because they've got a freaking legend to live up to. The legend of when the shounen MC asked why...Why am I that guy? Why am I always the nice one? Why am I ever the one to give? Why is it always me who needs to train more? Why? Why? Why? Why me? There is no answer. The whole genre can get flipped inside out, and you wouldn't find the answer. Why are the good guys good? Why should they be good? What has being good ever done to them? They're the ones who lose along the way. Their loved ones...Their mentors...They lose them along their grand Hero's Journey. For what? An eventual victory? Is that...actually worth it? And he asks one more question. If I'm the good guy, why are they acting human? Why is Pitou risking her life for a human? They're the bad guys. I'm the good guy. This should be clear cut. Why isn't it? Yes, I love this episode for a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which because it's a subtle plotline of Gon progressing the length of the entire series. It's a fantastic payoff by all accounts. Also worthy of note that Madhouse went far beyond what anyone could've hoped with some absolutely orgasmic character animation. With that kind of voice acting and animation mixture, it's nigh impossible to just watch such a brilliant episode and not be affected by the pure emotion radiating off the two facing off. Today's confrontation with Pitou is my #3 favorite scene in the series. #2 being the Phantom Requiem, and #1...That's yet to come.


Strong and stupid kid had a fit, see if I care


lol everyone waiting for 128 😏

Ok Great

IM SO HYPED FOR 118 and 119.

Ok Great

by the way you DO NOT wanna skip the pre intro scene on 119, trust me.


And now we figure out that Gon is just as bad as the spiders, no remorse, only his own hate.. I lost all respect for Gon here :( Edit. On the other hand i gained much respect for Killua and his family :D


I apologize ahead of time Youpi was so angry he blow his top. I said I was sorry.


Gon is not that he is "bad" ... he is a hypocritical and selfish child. It is written that way on purpose and the author makes it clear at the beginning. Killua is the opposite, logical and rational. PS: Killua realizes that Gon is going to lose control from the moment he was about to lose control by demonstrating his strength to Morel. At that moment, if Killua hadn't stopped him, Gon would have killed Morel. From there Killua realizes what is going to happen and that is why he looks sad and gloomy throughout the arc.

Knocking Master Jiro

The HxH world was never morally black and white. Gon did not care that Killua was an assassin. Yall should read Togashi interviews/excerpts on Gon's morality.


Ehh, unless they fixed it Pitou and Netero are not accurate. We even see the Enn hit the gang and Youpi at the wrong time.


Password is not working for me. I'm just c/p and getting nowhere. Even tried a space in front of the 'G'.


118 has a banger scene can't wait for it

Carys Kishibe

Dang everyone be hating on Gon. I just felt bad for him at this moment. It made me sad to see him like this. You cant blame a 12 YEAR OLD for letting his emotions take over him and confuse him.


Ah... I love Chetu's death. It is so funny. XD


Doesn't mean you should completely excuse his actions either, though. He's still being cruel to Killua and unreasonable to Pitou. You also have to remember that Pitou is even younger than Gon; they killed Kite when they were only a day old.

Alan moreno

Oh ruff. Your inability to understand metaphors and analogies during character dialogues is unmatched lmao. So entertaining to watch. Keep them reactions coming !!


I think most people that feel the part really bring down their opinion on Gon is not because that he is wrong according to our standard but because he is wrong in his own standard. Like he said to the PT in Yorknew city that how could they only care about their friend while care not for the people they kill. In this part, it is literally what Gon does which I guess if it is not the original, people definitely will say this is OCC. Also, I think Pitou is kind of hard to blame even he/she did kill Kite because the acting is out of animal instinct rather than the intention to torture or humiliate. She/he attached Kite out of try-kill as a first hunt and really go for the kill without torture. Some may take the use of Kite's body as crude but consider that mother cat brings wounded mouse to train their young, it is quite reasonable. Pitou is not like the ant that Kite and Gon and Killua killed that using human as dogs and intentionally torture them. It is kinda weird that when you consider that the royal guards are the ones more ant-like that they serve a genetic-hardwired purpose with no personal intention like the other evil ants who like the surfer or scream of humans, they are not even after their own feeding desire. Before the king is born, they act to make sure the queen is safe and well-fed and I think there is no need to mention their "serving the king desire" after the king is born. Even though they are the most feared ant, they are not rotten and really sucked personally ones. Why should Gon be angry about Kite gets killed? He is not angry about all the killings during the hunter exam, and he is not angry about Killua being a killer. Kite is a pro-hunter that he is willingly chosen a lifestyle that you could die anytime out in the field and be hunted while hunting others and combine with the fact that Kite is intensionally let Pitou knowing his existence by touching Pitou's arau. It's like go teasing a tiger in the jungle when you know the tiger is hungry and very likely go after you. And this bit is really just my personal feelings, but I really don't think Gon is angry about Kite's death, but the fact that he ran away and kite dead. So, more of a survivor's guilt. But if you think about the fact that it is kite told them to run and then Killua knocked Gon out and carried him away, he kinda blames Killua about the "we left Kite to die" thing and combine with the fact he said Killua had it easy really get me angry. Like Killua only know this man for about a month, he is sad because Killua also sees him as a friend/senpai type of character but you cannot blame him for not been totally lost and devastated. I kinda dislike Gon after this is because he is really scary in a bad way that I feel like I cannot trust him for emotional attachment the way to see him as a friend or company on an emotional advanture as I could with Luffy in One Piece or other characters. I am kinda afraid that he will make an action or decision I will really against and horrifed.

Yagi di Hoshi

The “since it means nothing to you” is not quite accurate of a translation - it should be “It’s so easy since it has nothing to do with you”. Gon wasn’t going as far as judging Killua’s commitment to their mission, like JESUS ><