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Attack on Titan S4 ep 2 patreon

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Aleksander Wertynski

Thin you missed the part, if Marley Warriors disobey, their families will be turned into pure titans... So they are under constant pressure. Think about Anie who cared only about her dad, and Rainer and Berthold who wanted to come back home......


From YouTube comments lol I'll be going back to rewatch those 2 eps. The manga bros taking over the YT comments section back during my S3 reactions because of my dislike for Bertholdt/Reiner caused me to ignore comments. Which probably is how I just found out I missed info from those eps. Thank you all for being understanding and trying to help! "THANK YOU to the two people who were actually helpful and gave me the episodes of S3 to rewatch which must have the scene I missed that caused most of my confusion this episode. Now I can finally go back and check it out to see what I missed. It's wild what happens when people actually help in comments instead of screaming like man children 😂"

Ray M Estrada

What Marley has on the Eldians is fear. Don't forget that Marley was the only nation that defeated the Eldian Empire this isn't like Jewish people thanking the nazis for slaving them but more like the Jewish defeating the nazis and the nazis becoming the slaves in return.


Your comparison to Nazi Gernmany doesn't quite work in this way because the Jewish people did not have a hundred of years of propaganda and social norms guiding every action of their life. Humans are not born with an innate understanding of modern morality, that is something that must be taught and modeled. If something else is taught and modeled, how can you expect them to just know that they deserve equal rights? Remember, human rights and equability are, for the most part, only a fairly recent development in the vast history of humanity. While I wouldn't call it a direct comparison, you can see some similarities in this regard to slaves in America. In many situations, the slaves outnumbered their masters and could likely have fought back, so why didn't they? If your mind is taught one truth for your entire life (I'm a devil who doesn't deserve the same things as others), then it's only logical that you would become a slave to your own beliefs and it makes the job of your oppressors all the easier. Typically, we think of crazy people (at least in the colloquial sense that I think you're using) as those who defy social norms. With that understanding, can you really call Gabi crazy for essentially doing exactly what society expects of her? I don't know if you like the answer, but it's an unfortunate one that has shown up time and time again throughout human history. I should probably mention that none of this is spoilery since we've already seen tons of propaganda, the history everyone is taught, and the modeling of their morality.

Gregory Hilderbrand

One thing you have to realize is that these were 10 year old kids brain washed and forced to do this. Those kids never saw paradis citizens until they had already slaughtered thousands. After realizing that they are normal people, they are complete emotional wrecks with moral confusion and feel like they are in to deep to change sides. How do you think paradis would respond after learning that these kids who slaughtered their families want to fight some far away enemy they don't know anything about. I would want them dead thats for sure. They seriously had no option to fight back.

Daniel Munoz

You shouldn't care about comments that insult you just for thinking a certain way. For each bad comment you should know that there's another good comment. I differ with you many times regarding the Eldians from Marley, but not because you "don't like my favorite character", the real reason is that those times when you state your opinion and explain your thought process, I and many others find flaws inside that process and point them out to have a civilized discussion or to clarify things that you may missed. What's wrong here? Well, you saw really bad and flawed critics a couple times, so you decided to not read any comments at all and that lead you to miss some info. That's what happens when someone just stops listening. No bueno amigo, but you do you.

Daniel Munoz

I get your point, but you have to remember two important facts: 1-Eldians in Marley have been oppressed by more than one hundred years, and in that time each new generation gets drilled the idea that they're devils and that they are marked with sin from their ancestry and those Eldians whom let them behind, and that the only way to redeem themselves a bit is through helping Marley. Childhood is the most influential phase of the human being, whatever you are taught to be wrong and right during that time it will define you until the constant or sudden influence of an element that makes you doubt, changes that way of thinking. 2-Us, as the audience are aware of a bigger picture than most of the characters. As you said before Eldians from Marley and from Paradise are persons, not devils; however they've been taught otherwise. Regarding Reiner, try being in his position, what do you do? Reiner knows the Eldians from Paradise are people just as the ones he's trying to protect, and going against Marley would just put those he cares about directly in danger, there's no way out, at least that we know. Reading between lines in my own interpretation, yes, I think Reiner is just trying to lie to himself to make the killing of equals to him less painful. Maybe I'm a monster, but if I had no choice, but to kill a classmate from shool in order to save my mother, I would definitively do it. This is the same scenario, but in a bigger scale and with fantasy elements.


what we know for now is that 100y ago, marley people won against eldian people who was oppressing them and the rest of the world, the eldian king built walls and took some eldians with him, left the others and he decided to not fight anymore and that's why the successors' of founding titans don't fight, but the king threatened the world to free the walls titans one day,, so marley people won and had many titans, they started using them and doing war, but in the first episode of s4 we saw they're not the only one discriminating eldians bc middle east people are scared of eldians too, the world hate them, and when we think about it they're not really in the wrong bc they trully are dangerous,, so marley eldians grew up thinking the same bc those eldians in the wall threatened the world and left them behind, bc of them they are oppressed by people who fears them and they are a minority so no they can't fight back bc the whole world is the enemy not just marley

Christopher Wells

I feel like you aren't considering what happens to the families of the eldians with titan powers. What happens to their families if they decide to rebel against marley? What happens if they win against marley and take control? The rest of the world hates eldians too so it's not like everything would work out.


No I actually didn’t. It was actually comments that made me realize that. In the moment it didn’t even cross my line lol


I have not read the manga and don't want to repeat what was commented already, but you admitted you didn't understand some things. Reiner doesn't want Gabi to replace him because she's his cousin and he doesn't want her to die. Also, his description of Eren, Sasha, etc was subtle. He said "all kinds of people" which implies some were not evil. His mother was shocked because he described generic human faults in them and she was scared of Marley spies. Speaking of spies, did you notice Zeke's room was bugged by his bosses, or that Zeke acted like he was aware, or that his bosses and Reiner caught on that he was aware? With tactics like that, they have no choice but to be loyal.

Antonia B

hey Ruff I totally understand you want to start reading the manga and I wouldn't mind if you knew the story before you are reacting to it. but I want to give you a heads up: Maybe you want to wait until the manga is finished (almost. there), since a new chapter only comes out every month and the cliffhangers are only getting worse 😂

Donna Suggs

Also, don’t be one of those guys that refuses to look at both sides of an argument just because some people bring stuff at u in a negative context. If u don’t change ur mind about the Eldian warriors then that’s fine but don’t try not to out of spite.

Donna Suggs

U like to use the Nazi germany angle so basically what u would want would be for the Jewish people to just “help themselves out”. That’s a variation of the pick themselves up by their bootstraps meme. What u know so far is that the invaders of Pasadis kept on their mission even after developing deep connections to the people they met there and even when the mission didn’t line up with their current morals they still pressed on. Those two things should give anyone at this point in the story enough of a clue as to why they are subservient.


It’s not comparable. One race has Titan powers. The similarities to nazi Germany are 10,000% there. Obviously no people of Jewish descent would not be able to do much because again they didn’t have Titan powers....


The fact that you even think that’s something I’d do says more about you than it does about me. Have a great day.