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one piece ep 202-203 patreon

Watch "one piece ep 202-203 patreon" on Streamable.



g8 is literally best filler arc, another arcs isnt as good, if u really like happy pirate mood u should watch em but if u want only plot just skip em


G8 is one of the better fillers in one piece. There are fillers that give more screen time for characters in the crew, which is great, but not necessary for the story. It makes you appreciate them even more. Like, there are episodes that don't even take place in the same universe and it's put in the middle of the climax of an arc. But then there are episodes of Chopper and it's cute.


I would probably skip filler arcs from now on, if you feel like the pace is appropriate for one then watch it. The problem is many of them ruin the pace of the main story, so if you're excited to see what happens next just skip them.


I honestly get that people here pay monthly patron to watch so in that sense skipping filler and getting to the actual canon is more time saving. In that aspect I respect it but at the same time if you notice, most youtubers that reacted to onepiece is all caught up now and you eventually wait every week to watch the reaction. Watching Ruff do filler episodes won't hurt imo considering how fast he will eventually catch up going at this pace. Idk just my thought. I'm not gonna say filler is greater than canon but why not just watch Ruff react to everything


Try not to pay attention to what people say about future arcs. I've noticed with One Piece that people are super vocal all the time about which arcs they think are bad and complain about them all the time ahead of time. Some of those can really scare people and set their mind to feel like something is bad before they even watch it. Some people just expect big fights in each arc and hate it when it doesn't. Each arc is different and has different themes but they are all still good. This is evident between Alabasta which was more emotional and action while Skypeia is more of an adventure story. Some future arcs are more comedic while others are more mysterious. If you go into each arc with an open and fresh mind not expecting what you just saw in the last arc and ignore what people say before the arc then you should enjoy it.

Pixa After Dark✓

I am having some trouble with streamable. I usually watch on mobile so these problems may be absent on a computer. I can’t figure out how to go into fullscreen, and the browser often kicks me out and I have to sign back in to Patreon and figure out where I left off.


As for the filler, I would recommend to watch the filler. One Piece's filler is for the most part pretty good. People just have it in their mind that filler in anime is automatically bad when it is not. Filler can be either good or bad same as a normal arc. Also, most reactors don't react to filler and I am genuinely interested in what people think of it. It could give you some different content that other people don't have. Besides, One Piece isn't like Bleach or Naruto so it doesn't have 30-40 episodes in a row of filler or long filler arcs in the middle of other arc.

Kay M

from what i've seen in the usual canon material the effects of Sea Prism Stone only last as long as a Devil Fruit use is touching it directly so I think they only added that lingering effect that Luffy showed for that scene in the filler only. also about the number thing when writing in Japanese they can use either Arabic numerals (regular 0-9 digits) or Japanese kanji (the written characters used for words) to write numbers depending on the occasion. Both forms of writing numbers are used the same way so they kinda go back and forth with it I think. I think they tend to use Arabic numerals more when numbering things just for the sake of simplicity


Filler trivia: Lt. Drake appeared in 2 movies, which is why at the start of the arc he said he saw the Straw Hats' ship twice before. I also heard G8's plot was originally for a movie that got scrapped, a reason it's such a well-written and longer filler.


G8 is great. Other One Piece filler makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. Please no.


Honestly, the filler arcs I liked most are the ones up to this point; they had heart. Just my opinion, but filler arcs after G8 are not as good as the ones before G8.

Gleeman Jest

On the subject of arcs, I've seen in my own friend group vastly different opinions on what arcs they liked. My roommate didn't really think much of OP until Alabasta. Some of his favorite arcs are more on the bottom for me. And other friends have differing opinions from ours. We all do agree on the impactful moments though. And OP has those in spades.


i think that g8 is the only good filler all the other are kinda trash tbh


I usually play game with posterrs this way: I try to guess which character will appear on the 2nd poster. It's usually not that hard to guess, cause they appear to be related to the current episode.

LANA Dashie?

There’s one thing that this filer does very well for the canon story… if you know you know……

Rowny Rena

G8 is just that good, I mean some of the other ones are entertaining 'cause of comedy, but I would really skip those for now, you can always go back to them. Now I think everyone (and so are you) is excited for the water seven arc... Skip it for now and continue in canon! I can't wait, this is gonna be so awesome!you reactions are fire and so entertaining to watch 😁😂😂🤩🔥


That part mentioning about reserving big part of the gold to repair Merry is canon. They incorporate this canon conversation into this filler scene.


Usually the filler is independent to the canon storyline you can skip or watching it independently when u feel like it. But G8 is a little bit special, it incorporates some little canon conversation into the this filler, make it awkward if not watching it, missing some important conversation like reserving the gold to repair Merry and going to find the shipwright as a nakama. Besides, it is super hilarious and enjoyable to watch.

Tyler Ange

If you mean that thing about the going merry being fixed yea. It's honestly strange they'd put it in a filler arc because they can't even fully explain it. I guess to tease us a bit before Water 7.


One Piece actually does this often. The first filler arc has the explanation of the Calm Belt and them traveling there in the middle of filler. Ace leaving and giving his paper to Luffy in the middle of a stretch of filler. A future filler arc introduces shark themed thing (don’t want to spoil it exactly) that the crew uses after the filler. It’s one of the reasons why I like and always advocate for people to watch the filler.

Curtis Haley

I highly recommend skipping the next filler after g8, when i was first binging one piece, it made me want to stop watching from how bad it was. Though I didn't know it was filler at the time.


I think as long as you catch yourself before the picture, you are good: BUT you have to go with what you say last, no trying to say all the names and counting it since you said the name. And concerning filler, I personally would only skip the ones in play style, aka when they aren't pirates.