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Prof. Walker

Damn, sorry the overzealous people keep demanding shit


Alabasta begins! This arc is like 4D Chess!


So just a few things (hopefully nothing you'd consider too spoilery) the canon Alabasta episodes end at 130 so u have about 40 more episodes, there's a couple of filler episodes in there but they tie into the story well so they actually are kinda worth watching and don't feel outta place. Also you are kinda right about the kind of roles everyone fits into in the crew, some of the members also have kinda secondary ones based around their personalities (Chopper's is a bit of comedic relief cause as u may have already noticed he is very young/naive) and there is someone who will join the crew who kinda fits the "brains" role u were eluding to but I wont say any more than that on it Lastly but probably most importantly hopefully no one spoils u on anything Ace-related and that's all I'm gonna say And actually lastly be ready for the feels episodes to continue this show is a never ending feels fest


Leaving this in its own comment cause its the most important thing I'm gonna say here tonight don't let any of the fuckers in the comment sections push u around man. You are the content creator, u set the content and pace, keep up the amazing work u've been doing at whatever rate of output u want and if ur feeling burnt out take as long a "break" as u need in whatever capacity u feel like taking it


Some big names were mentioned in this episode I hope you remember them, sorry to hear about how people are I didn't think people were that rude about one piece good luck hope it gets better you are my best reactor I wish I've seen more anime to watch your other post besides jojo but I still planned on watching after I've seen the show


You know every single person who reacts to One Piece sooner or later has to address the cancerous shitty aspects of the community. And it's always the same story, "you're not doing enough, you're not reacting the way you're supposed to, you didn't watch tiny detail", it's like wtf bro, Being on the internet is not a free pass to be a shitty human being. Unfortunately you'll never really be able to get away from this, but at least know that the majority of us support you wholeheartedly.


Dont worry on referring yourself as a part of the crew!! We all are nakama's here luffy welcomes everyone!!!!


This man predicts things like so perfectly sometimes xD!!!

Antonia B

A little reminder – since it happened so many episodes ago :) The revolutionist Dragon, they mentioned during the flashback, is the one who saved Luffy from Smoker back in Loguetown

Morgan Hellström

Warned you from the start that one piece community is one of the worst. Doesn't matter if you do 1 or 10 episodes. They still demands more. So go ahead do 1 episode at the time. Means the journy be longer and more enjoyable =P


Not going to lie: not only am I disgusted by the idea of some people demanding more episodes, I'm grateful for the extra time I'll have while you slow down. Do whatever you need and I'm glad you know we aren't all impatient.

Vargen Dae

1 Episodes are totally fine, we had the Arc discussion in part 4 of jojo which has been nice! I don't have endless time either.

Vargen Dae

4:30 Man I'd pay you to watch episode 1 of promised neverland.

Vargen Dae

No spoiler, just. The hat is the same as the one ontop of Luffy's strawhat on the figurine you got from Max!

Roy Meulblok

Don't let the comments get to ya dude, I came here for your reactions on OP and it doesn't matter how many episodes you do per vid aslong as you do them, even if its for yourself.


We’re doing promises never land as a patreon and twitch sub movie night in the discord on Saturday 😁


So as you saw, the Baroque Works' top agents are named with the men having numbers and the women being named for special days/events. Mr. 2 Bon Clay doesn't have a partner so his name is both Mr. 2 for the number and Bon Clay for the O-Ban festival and the end of the year festival called Kure.


Know how you can tell a community has assholes in it? It contains people. Any grouping of humans is going to contain some assholes. Larger groups have more, but barring groups dedicated to something that attracts assholes more, not in much greater proportion to any other.


Assholes are going to be assholes, don't let em get to you, take a break when needed and you are right, this is a marathon. Pace yourself, and we'll be here waiting for more epic reactions!


Yo RuffSenpai, just enjoy watching One Piece, don't listen to the people who try ruining your experience on OP. one thing I only ask you is to avoid getting spoiled, either from the comments, Intros, or any other platforms. Other than that, just enjoy to your fullest. I enjoy your reaction very much mostly because you really seem to not have any idea on what will happen next and that's part of getting a better experience on OP. I would say that OP is a very long journey and getting drain on watching it is very reasonable, Me as your subscriber don't want that to happen. so just try your best to hang in there, enjoy every minute watching it, and you don't have to rush. Those who want to see your reaction will stay, so don't worry, just keep doing what you've been doing. -peace