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  • RogBBTL.mp4



Another scheduled variant, & fanart. I swore I had posted this because I had it finished roughly around the same time as the original but apparently it never got posted? So here it is. Officially.

I always liked the idea of secondary mutations but I only remember seeing it getting used a few times. To be fair, the last I regularly read was just a little after the Morrison run. And I don’t know if Beast’s counts or wasn’t that a lab accident? Anyway Beast goes to show that suddenly becoming blue isn’t new to X-Men I guess. And Rogue’s mom was. But I just like the idea of the boundaries of Rogue’s powers expanded to include even things she eats.

That or she inadvertently brushed against a Violet Beauregarde…? 

Process timelapse included. For real this time. The last Rogue was supposed to have one & I guess I forgot to upload it with the original post? Anywhere I updated that to add that one there too. But this is also her turning blue. 



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