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The winner of the last fan art poll: Rogue from Marvel’s X-Men. I went with the sort of flagship 90’s design. I know a lot has transpired in the X-books but honestly I haven’t read much past the Morrison run in the aughts. I’m pretty sure Rogue doesn’t even still have the Ms/Capt Marvel powers anymore, right? But I had the unique opportunity to do a flying pose.

That said, figuring out the floofy 90’s mall hair & the pose are partly why this took me longer than anticipated. I did both a regular expansion, as well as a berry version. I like the idea of her stopping off at a berry farm somewhere near the X-Mansion, snacking on a few straight off the tree, but something about her power tweaks & then the reason she expands is her own powers? Like I know that’s technically not how they work… but what if they did…? Also there’s a timelapse attached as well.

Another fan art poll going up in a few days. It’s mostly built around old suggestions that I liked or ones that just fell short of making the cut. I have one or two slots still open if you’d like to make suggestions.



Charles Lima

Seems like those uniforms are pretty stretchy


The “unstable molecules” for her was only designed to make sure there was no unintended skin contact, but not stretching in the same way as others in the Marvel Universe.