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  • GohedTL.mp4
  • GoHedTL30.mp4



As we get closer to the end of this year (yikes), I had this idea of two friends not seeing each other for the better part of it, only for one of them to put on a great deal of weight. But also, said friend is strangely, a little excited about it & talking about it? Flaunting it even? Despite the fact that usually that kind of conversation is typically conducted in very hushed tones & euphemisms, she’s proud, almost a little giddy about her transformation. And why not? 

Trying to do the same sort of shading I did last time but was having a harder time for some reason & it was taking FOREVER. But regardless, it’s been a minute since I’ve included a timelapse, so I’ve got two attached below. One’s the full, which comes to like 11 minutes, while the others a truncated version that moves a lot faster. But also included versions with text & no, background & now, & even glasses & no (but why would you? They’re cute).

Just a heads up too, a bit of bookkeeping. Patreon’s been weird for me. Aside from the verification thing which… bleh… it has been bugging me to move to more of a ‘Pay as you Join’ structure than at the beginning of the month. What does this mean? Well if you’ve joined a maintained a consistent membership, or plan to stay a patron for a while, it shouldn’t affect you at all. But for folks that join on & off, the initial charge will happen when you join instead of the first of the following month. That’s all. But I get a back end ‘notification’ each time I log in to do this, & it’s annoying. So with the beginning of 2024, I might just switch over. The thing is, I don’t think I can go back? So I’m still on the fence about doing it, but just wanted to let it be known what might be happening. No big deal, but I’ll let you know as we get closer.

Anyway, back to work.



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