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The chimes resonated softly. Pleasantly. Punctuated by light fluctuations in the room’s ambient lighting.

“It’s time for your morning juicing, madame.” 43 announced in the manner of a matronly caretaker as the curtains on her windows started drawing back automatically along the runner rail. As they did, they revealed a sunny, coastal vista, all while the gentle chimes continued to play in an attempt to rouse her. As if the warm sunlight wasn’t enough.

“Gimme ‘nother- half hour.” Dasha murmured, clenching her eyes further closed. But really that’s all she was able to do, beyond maybe just shimmying in place. 43’s tone didn’t raise in an unpleasant way, but the automaton did add a little extra consternation to its tone.

“Madame, you’ve foregone your past two days’ worth of squeezing already. Right now, your condition is beginning to reach a rather risky threshold. Given your current capacity & rate of growth-”

“So…? It’s not like I’m panicking any,” she muttered, “In fact, until I was so rudely interrupted?” Dasha snarked, rolling her eyes. “I was sleeping quite soundly. And after all, it’s my big blue butt on the line. Relax.”

“Madame, I don’t understand why you’re even bargaining for more time.” 43 continued, “At this point, there is very little you even physically have to do at the moment.” The robot snarked back. “And more to the point, there’s little you’re able to do to stop me.”

“Robots were a mistake,” Dasha muttered under her breath. “Fine.” The blueberry sighed as theatrically as her size, shape, & positioning would allow. “I am at your mercy.” Almost entirely spherical, Dasha was lying on her stomach. It had grown so round & so full of juice, it left her appendages a good couple feet off the ground, effectively stranding her. And while she laid upon her ‘bed,’ if it weren’t for 43 or some other outside assistance, she’d probably remain there, on a cushioned circle with almost a dozen throw pillows in the center of the room, for all of eternity. It was a position she had fallen into exhausted & unable to do much. And in the intervening hours of slumber, she had swollen almost as wide as she was tall. In true berry fashion.

“Okay,” 43 nodded, “Let us get you juiced.”

Low to the floor, a white disc floated in through the open door, silently. It stopped just lateral to where Dasha laid before slowly lowering to the ground. At her current size, it’s profile was just slightly bigger than hers. Slightly.

“Fine,” Dasha huffed between puffier than usual lips & swollen cheeks. Speaking was one of the last actions she was still capable of, & even that felt a lot stranger than normal. It had been a bit since she had allowed herself to get this round. “Let’s get the show on the road I suppose.”

“As always, apologies, madame.” 43 preemptively chimed. A floating bundle of plastic & ceramic modules electromagnetically positioned in the vague shape of a person, 43’s torso buzzed Dasha’s side, opposite the disc. The two lateral ‘paddles’ that formed 43’s arms dropped lower along the torso in relation to where they were normally perched. The automaton was attempting to get a lower center of gravity.

“Easy,” an anxious Dasha reminded. But 43’s one speed was just that. The arm paddles gently pressed low into the side of Dasha’s round gut. Beyond the soft layers of top skin, the pressure didn’t allow for very much give at all. To 43, this was another alarming sign that Dasha needed to be juiced pretty urgently.

“Just attempting to get the ball rolling, as it were, madame.” Pressure was starting to be applied. Very slowly, 43 started rolling Dasha.

“Har-har.” Dasha rasped plainly, fighting a bit of an “Oof” as the robot’s pushing started to displace some of the vast amount of liquid within her. Pushing too hard could cause leakage. 43 was careful to avoid this. The idea was to get Dasha to an extraction bay cleanly, make it so every last drop of juice was collected, not wasted staining her pillows. “I hate being rolled.” Dasha moaned, despite 43’s cautious efforts.

“Well madame could always choose to use one of the facility’s many extraction bays at any point under her own power.” 43 reminded. “It would prevent the necessity of any rolling whatsoever.”

“And make it too easy on you bots?” Dasha scoffed. Tilted just slightly less than forty five degrees from where she started, the expression on the berry girl’s deep blue face suddenly changed with a snap. “Uh- uh-oh…” she muttered.

“Is madame about to experience…?” 43 started.

“Guh- gro- growth spurt.” Dasha murmured, bracing herself, as prone as she was.

“Deep breaths,” the automaton reminded, freezing. The arms had kept an ounce of what little forward momentum they had but stopped forcefully pushing, instead, using the full power of their electromagnetic bonds to hold where they stopped as firmly as possible. The thought being that any added circumference would press against & roll further on its own.

“Hrrk-“ Dasha’s breathing helped, but the all too sudden jolt of more pressure was too much. She could tell by the initial pangs this wasn’t going to be an easy or subtle one. And now the pressure was welling further, stretching her already stretched flesh & making each of her appendages not only feel further from the rest, but starting to get swallowed, as they began to sink into divots. A million miles away, she felt 43’s arms firmly dug in low towards the floor & her body pushed off it, growing rounder while also shifting more in the direction she had been headed. And just as it all started to become a little too much, things subsided. The pressure had reached a new, uncomfortable max, but it had stopped mounting, & the growth had gradually stopped. But not before making her several inches, perhaps as much as a foot rounder. As she took a second to catch her breath, it was 43 that eventually broke the silence.

“And that is why it is growing a bit risky to let you go much longer without a thorough juicing.” The automaton nagged. “Even if you’re able to maintain your composure & keep yourself together, you might start to outgrow the door frame.”

“Okay okay-“ Dasha panted, in no mood for a lecture. “I’m already cooperating. Could we just-“

“Of course,” 43 chimed, happy to have its point come across. And with that, the robot continued its gentle plowing motion, slowly tilting Dasha over further onto her tender side.

Once her mass had cleared the thin hoop of the disc, 43 helped her settle into the center of the circle, lying face up, on what up until recently, was her back. The hoop began to lift quite gradually, levitating slowly upwards. The silicone-like layer followed albeit with some stretch & give. And somehow, despite all of her heft, Dasha began to float, cupped safely in the disc’s grasp.

“Can’t imagine what we would ever do- without mobility saucers.” Dasha panted. It was still hard to catch a decent breath whenever she was this full & on her back. And why she usually tried to avoid it.

“We would probably just roll girls such as yourself. To & fro.” 43 surmised, the second sentence playfully sing-songy. “To & fro, to & fro.” Suddenly the silicone of the saucer began to shift under Dasha’s weight, retracting on one side as the opposite provided more give. With gravity pulling the mass of her body downward, Dasha’s mass slowly began to tilt with the surface of the saucer, causing her to gently tilt upright, which in turn helped her catch her breath again. Or at least just a bit more of it.

“Ech,” Dasha grimaced in disgust. “End over end? Barbaric! Can you imagine? Like just how motion sick you’d get?”

“As an automaton? No.” 43 put quite plainly.

“Rhetorically, 43.” Dasha sighed as she went from laying on her round back at a 90 degree angle to upright, as if she were standing. Well, at least if her feet still touched the ground at this size. “Remember, I just woke up, okay?”

“Noted, madame.” As the automaton said this, it remembered one of Dasha’s preferences. “To that point, I forgot Madame enjoys keeping a bit of modesty when out in the halls.” Another disc entered the room. While also a sterile white, this one levitated a bit higher, & had a circular hole in its center. This donut lifted to just above where Dasha was sitting. Her round body jostled in anticipation.

“Yeah I would like to leave some things to the imagination, thanks.” She sighed, a little relieved. “Not too hard, please.” She rocked. “I don’t want to splurt out any extra juice in here if we can avoid it.”

“Of course, madame.” 43 responded, a bit of an eye roll implied. Considering the fact that Dasha was the one to both put off her juicing, & that juice was something of a commodity, her saying such things came off almost like nagging to the robot. After the second disc hovered directly over Dasha & lined up with the first, already snuggly cupping her bottom third, it began to lower. And with the same pliability as the first disc, it cupped Dasha’s spherical frame from the top, the edge loop lowering to a point that provided cover to her swollen breasts. While a round blue midriff was exposed, the two discs, maybe a little imperfectly, helped maintain some of Dasha’s privacy, while also holding her snuggly & securely a foot & a half off the ground. It was just the right amount of pressure to hold her in a way that made her feel safe & secure, almost like a weighted blanket, but also just short of starting to squeeze the juice out of her, as close as she was to leaking it, given all the pressure.

“Are you comfortable, madame?”

“Not as comfortable as when I was still sleeping a few moments ago,” Dasha whined, “But quite.” She smirked. “If we must…”

“We must, madame.” 43 chimed pleasantly. And the automaton & berry girl, cupped between two discs, left the room & entered the hallway of the facility.


Just another thing that started as a warmup. And it’s another little exploration of permaberry care, just this time, a little more future-y & slightly utopic I guess? Have a bit more to it, but think for now I’m going to break it up into a few little parts & this was the best point to break. 

Just like the idea of speculating future berry stuff. Like the discs to transport immobile ones. And I have a fun idea on how to actually get the juice out of our subject here I don’t think anyone else has ever explored.

More writing soon hopefully, but trying not to force it when I’m feeling creative in other ways. Regardless, more coming either way 


Debauched Sloth

What's not to love – a helpless blueberry, a snarky robot handler and, best of all, the phrase 'Part One' in the title. Interested to see what comes next!

BNevis (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 04:44:48 Glad you like it. I'm just enjoying tweaking the setting & the environs this time around honestly. It's fun to explore
2022-12-15 13:27:48 Glad you like it. I'm just enjoying tweaking the setting & the environs this time around honestly. It's fun to explore

Glad you like it. I'm just enjoying tweaking the setting & the environs this time around honestly. It's fun to explore


Yes! This was great! You write helplessness so well.


Really happy you like. Personally, I like how she is in this helpless state, but is almost dismissive to the idea of being helped LoL And not in like a resigned, negative way, but more of an annoyed, nonplussed kind of way.