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Just a quick little vignette about an inflated young woman being held in a facility; bored, scared, pessimistic, & large. A little bit less about the act of expanding & more dealing with being stuck in that situation & at the mercy of the unkown. This was something of a warm up for other things. Mostly to jot down a couple of ideas. And something I might refine for something else more substantive in the future. i have other more straightforward stuff in the works but figured I havent posted much inflation writing recently.


Her concept of time had gone out the window quite a long while ago. At least what felt like a long while ago. Some time after her feet had stopped reaching the floor.

For her, there was really no telling exactly just how long it had been since “the incident” transpired. And suddenly left her in the precariously delicate condition in which she & several other victims still remained: Massive. Round. Helpless. Scared. And completely at the whim of these hazmat-suited ghouls. Whomever they were.

Even after spending so long under their observation, she still wasn’t entirely clear on their identity. Some secret science wing of the government? Some cold, sociopathic multinational corporation? It had to be something on that kind of scale, given the only blatantly obvious detail, their vast amount of resources. And when all this happened? When her & the other’s bodies suddenly began to mysterious swell beyond any sort of human proportion? Not even knowing what was going on? Prone & completely exposed after bursting out of their own clothes? At the time, there was almost no second guessing it. In fact, the team of people showing up with flatbeds, ready & prepared to carefully whisk them away, out of the public eye, came as almost a welcome favor. 

Silly her, she thought, remembering how, at first, she actually believed some of them when they had tried to comfort her, & initially promised to find a way to return her & the others, back to normal. She still couldn’t discern if it was a somewhat feeble attempt to instill hope, or just a blatant, boldfaced lie to get her & the others to stop whimpering. Even though the whimpering was one of the very few things any of them were still capable of at this size. Hell, her lips & cheeks were already too puffy to make actual words happen by the time they brought her here.

At first, she remembered counting the shift changes, wondering just how soon it would take until they developed this “cure” they promised. But the longer she sat there, waiting, trying to make out different personnel behind the tinted hoods, the less platitudes the suits seemed to deliver. Up until they didn’t seem to be saying anything to them at all. Let alone any talk of putting them “back to normal.” And while their ”observations” were done in a nearly constant capacity every two hours, the interactions just became cold, uncomfortable interactions. The worst part being the poking & jabbing, as if they were trying to monitor her internal pressure. Which was always unbearably high by the way. She never felt like she wasn’t on the verge of exploding. Maybe that’s why they stopped treating her as a person. To them, maybe she was a potentially bomb, always just about ready to go. 

And the longer they seemed to go without developing some kind of treatment for her condition, the worse it seemed to get. Already impossibly huge when they rolled her off the truck, she would suddenly feel these quick little surges of growth, where the pressure only intensified & things only stretched out more. She’d wince & bobble & maybe let off a soft moan. Now her body was pressing past her. Her head, hands, & feet, all out to each of their furthest extensions, were now divots in her otherwise giant, completely spherical shape. If they were to keep happening with their current frequency, it wouldn’t be long until the billowing flesh of her neck, shoulders & chest started to block out the light. Or maybe even start smothering her. And given the position of her neck, & the valley her head had seemed to fall into, she had lost sight of the others. There was no telling if she was even the biggest amongst them. In a weird way, she had come to kind of hope that she was. As the idea of anyone being larger than her didn’t only seem impossible, but frightening. At least until that next growth spurt came along. And seemed to set a horrifying new precedent.

Beyond maybe trying to will a swollen finger or toe to wiggle, between growth spurts & “observations,” it was just monotony. The dull moans & cries of the others & the force within her both made sleeping pretty tough. That was another thing that came in bursts, only when utter exhaustion finally seemed to take its toll. And in that sort of twilight stupor, sometimes she’d just think back to cherished memories. From before. Only at this point, she had been stuck as a ball of flesh for so long, she almost forgot what being people shaped was like. So she’d relive these experiences, While also feel her feet hovering far from the floor, or feebly flailing her hands against the puffy tissue that used to be her wrist. They were disconnected & disoriented.

And like clockwork, there they were. Back again, jabbing their fingers into her tender side. Where they were poking felt a bit low on her. If they were standing at about six feet, was she stretching taller now too? Wait. They keep poking. More than usual. Now another hand seems to be doing it too. What’s going on? She winces & her body attempts to shutter, but she’s far too large.

”Uuuuhhnnnnggghhhhhh.” A moan escapes her. She can’t see the suits, but she feels the material of their gloves as they lay flat hands on her. What? This is new? When they first got her here, they had to roll her into this spot. Much like the poking, it wasn’t all that pleasant an experience. Wait, now there are more hands touching her. More than four. More like… ten? Maybe? It’s hard to tell. But it feels as though they’re trying to tilt her forward. Out of the little “stall” they had set up for her. She can feel them struggle a little. Her body’s too big. She’s too unwieldy for them. Even if she wanted too, there’s nothing she can do to cooperate in the matter. But she doesn’t know if she necessarily wants to either. Jeez, this is more excitement than she’s had in quite sometime. Her heart is pounding As her field of few slowly starts to change for the first time in ages. The patch of industrial ceiling she’d been staring at starts to leave her view as she feels her round frame get tilted forward. Even with their fingers splayed to their widest extensions, the suits’ hands feel all most like needles along her massive expanse. “Ooohhhhhhhhhhh!”

For the first time in a very long while, she sees another one of the victims of ”the incident.” She remembers now that the girl they had propped up across from her was possibly of Indian descent. And she too now, impossibly, seemed even larger. But it was tough to tell who exactly was bigger. Then she saw the suits, the ones teetering her down onto what was her stomach. As her belly made contact with the cold, polished concrete, it forced out something of a mild burp. Loud & unladylike, but almost positively dainty for someone in her current condition. She couldn’t make out faces, but the suits almost seemed proud of themselves. As if getting her this far was some sort of major accomplishment. And suddenly, the excitement of the moment faded for her, as she began to wonder what they were up to. That’s when most of the suits left her field of vision, gathering on what was her right. One was still in front, but they seemed to be looking around & acting almost as kind of a spotter.

With a sudden, uncomfortable push, four sets of hands pushed a bit sharply into her side, rolling her more on a different axis. She groaned, as the displacing pressure made her feel like she was going to pop! But slowly, she started to move. And the hands seemed to continue their push, softening only slightly now that she was finally in motion. She was rolling. And while it didn’t feel all that great, it was pretty hard to compare to the last time it happened, if only for the sheer size differential. If she could string words together, she’d be asking where they were taking her. But all she could do was watch the “spotter” suit play traffic cop, with other impossibly huge victims in their stalls behind. All while her hair danced in & out of her face with the flow of gravity. Wherever they were taking her, she wasn’t all that hopeful.And either way, it wasn’t like she’d have much of a say in the matter. She just hoped it wasn’t all that far.


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