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Having the rare midweek day off, she decides to make the long, arduous commute to THE last buffet in town that doesn't have her picture on file & "BANNED" stamped across her face in big, bold red letters. And after nearly two hours of nearly putting THEM in the red, she gets the message when she isn't quite booted, but politely offered an aperitif by the manager as he's flanked by several staff members, hats in hand. An obvious white flag. Best not to burn ALL of the bridges, she rationalizes, accepting their concession. And her complimentary peppermint.

With her gut packed round & tight, she reckons she still has enough room to have gone another round or three, comfortably, if the establishment hadn't tapped out so easily. Still, to the objective bystander, her "food baby" looks a lot more like "food sextuplets." No way her tanktop will cover all of it any more. Granted, it was already sort of doing a piss-poor job before the three dozen or so plates. But now, no matter how hard she tries to yank it down, there still feels like there's almost a whole foot of draft between where it's riding up & where even her navel is. Oh well...

With a huff, she pulls out her phone & checks the various apps for a ride, but remembers that with the constant turnover that seems to be happening with her wardrobe lately, the money in her bank account is already virtually spoken for & even not at peak surge hours, the projected costs are a little too rich for her blood right now. With a heavy sigh, she digs out her old metro card once again. Feeling positively almost ready to pop, she resigns herself to the idea it's going to be a lot more of a hassle than the ride in. Luckily, she didn't leave any of this up to chance. The stop's only at the end of the block. Far for her, especially right now, but not impossible. As she starts to shuffle her way towards it, moving at her own pace, she feels all eyes fall on her, & relishes every second of being a spectacle. She staves off a giggle when she sees the light at the intersection turn red & hears tires screeching. Someone telling on them self for looking.

The walk seemed so much shorter coming in, but with a relieved huff, she makes it. Just as the last of her mint dissolves. Now, gingerly, she makes her way down the grimy stairs. She swears she's heard two trains come & go in the time it takes her, & as people, both coming & going, give her a wide berth. Trying not to stare, but totally staring.

Oooh, she didn't consider this part. Upon reaching the bottom, she's once again reminded of her old nemesis: the turnstile. On the inbound trip, sucking it all in, & holding her breath to squeeze through was no picnic. Now? They seemed downright daunting. She squared up to one slowly, as other commuters breezed past. The accepted card beeps echoed, as she readied hers in her hand. She grit her teeth. Here goes nothi-

"Ma'am!" The usually inattentive attendant suddenly hollers, leaving her booth, an occurrence that almost felt like spotting a unicorn. "Ma'am." The second one has the implied tone of "Really?" The type of "Really?" you'd ask when you'd expect someone to know better. Without another word, the attendant took out a giant ring of keys, clicking a few back & then using the last to open up a wider, side section of gate. It let out a dull, annoying buzz when the plates no longer made contact, adding to the attendance annoyance as she held the door.

"Oh!" She blushed, somewhat relieved, & dipping her first chin into her second as a nodding sign of appreciation. She tried to hurry her pace a little, in hopes of stopping the buzz sooner, but she was too full to move that fast. But it was in that moment, she realized that the attendant wasn't doing this out of the kindness of her heart. The transit worker just wanted to avoid her wedging herself in the turnstile like a sideways tanker in a canal, even more than she did. She wondered how often that sort of thing happened, or if there was paperwork involved when it did. "Don't I need to...?" She huffed, flashing her metro card. The woman, eyes rolled upwards, just did a flagging motion, urging her through the gate. She nodded again & pushed through, blushing as she felt her sides brush even the wider frame of the gate, even taking it at an angle.

Ech, more stairs to get to her platform. At least not as many as the ones leading into the station. Still, she feels the added weight of her contents jiggle uncomfortably with every step. While she's pretty spry for her size, she debated whether leaving the buffet amicably was really the best call now. If only because the notion of repeating this journey didn't entirely seem worth the hassle. At least now, in the moment. Maybe, given a little digestion, that'd change. But the dank, added humidity certainly wasn't helping to make things any easier. She could feel her forehead, amongst other parts of her, starting to dampen from the heat she felt. She hoped, beyond all else, for an air conditioned car. Chances were good. Most were. But there was always that off chance.

Things were so sensitive, she swore she could feel the rumble in her tummy first. Or maybe it was just her body grumbling as it started to make a bit of room. Either way, she made one more feeble attempt to stretch her tank top over more of her belly, just as she noticed there was a light slowly becoming visible in the tunnel. Given her leisurely pace, her timing felt immaculate. At least for her. The mousy little art school girl on the platform across the way, blushing with fogged up glasses, looked as though should could've used a few more seconds to sheepishly make like she wasn't trying to gawk. There was only enough window between noticing her & the uptown sweeping through to flash a brief smile her way. The way she seemed to light up made it seem as though it were the highlight of her day. 

She was in luck. The breeze of cooler air hit as the doors shook open. Enough to turn back the sweat. For now at least. Unfortunately, taking two steps on, things were a lot more crowded than what she would've hoped for midday, middle of the week. It wasn't even peak hours, but there didn't seem to be any free seats. Not that she couldn't make due if need be. She just had something of a long trip. 

"Uh, here you go." An older gentleman mumbled, hoisting himself up. He had the same kind of blush as the art school girl, giving away it was a little more than chivalry. But unfortunately, he wasn't as cute. Or all that good at geometry or spatial awareness, given the width of her ass would take up at least two seats. Still she nodded, appreciative of the gesture all the same, then looked at the tempting visage of the all-too narrow empty seat. On the one side, there was a pole to squeeze against, on the other... 

"Hmmph," A hoity-toity blonde in workout gear, sitting next to the gap seemed to push her earpod deeper into her ear as she made a show of how little attention she was paying. Still, even looking the other direction, there was clear contempt to be seen in her face. Palpable "how come this BLOB gets the red carpet rolled out for her after I slave to look like this?" vibes as instead of making more room, she mindlessly let her gym bag fall into the gap. Ok. That's how it's going to be?

Standing there as the door hissed shut, she swayed her massive hips 180 degrees, to grab the metal railing above the row of seats, no-look eclipsing the fitness nut's vantage point with nothing but her titanic ass. After all, she did have to shelf it out a little bit further now to counterbalance what was going on with her belly. She looked to the sweet old man that offered the seat as he stood by the door. Cluelessly, he gestured towards it again with a beaming smile. She almost felt bad for not just taking him up on his offer & falling back. Hard. "Oh, Oops! Thought I could make it." She imagined it happening from the blonde's perspective. The already massive orb of her left asscheek swaying perilous inches away from her face, when suddenly it just gets a little bigger & then? She imagined it must've been what an avalanche felt like. Potentially fatal. Was she about to kill someone? With her ass? She wondered if it'd make the news. "Gym Enthusiast Sat On To Death by Huge Fatty!"

As the train started moving, she admonished herself for thinking such terrible thoughts. No, she was better than this, she decided firmly. A lot better than this! It'd be better to wait until the train hits a curve just a little too strong in the tunnel, then make like she's lost her balance! Then, at worst, they could only really maybe chuck the whole thing up to manslaughter, at worst.


Just wrote this little vignette about a city girl trying to get home after a big meal & facetiously debating potentially murdering someone with her immense amount of ass. Decided to do a little sketch for it, but I'm not super happy with it. And I didn't want to keep wasting more time on it, so I figured I'd just move on since I have other stuff on its way!



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