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Ever since Mia's met her new friends, she's found them to be pleasant, warm, & super encouraging. The only problem is it seems like she just seems to completely pig out whenever she's with them. And worse yet, her appetite only seems to become more extreme every time they hang out. To the point where it's starting to freak her out.

Luckily, her friends don't seem to mind all that much. And maintain the same upbeat & encouraging attitude.



Josh Gibson

Who are these friends?!?!?

Shelby Decker

Well this is fantastic. :o


Well certainly a terrible influence for one. But I have a few inklings of a premise. No promises, but this might develop further.

Josh Gibson

I’m very interested in your premise inklings - it will be cool if this turns into something more. And if not, still a great piece!


Girl’s just wanna have lunch! You always have such a way of capturing a snippet of someone’s life in a wg/inflation story Oh well Mia, look on the bright side! Your Mia Fey cosplay probably still fits


Wow! My favorite standalone so far. Reminds me of the bellflower in the best way.


Thanks! The goal in my head was just to make her look as full as possible. While also strongly contending with the notion of continuing. Doesn't Mia Fey have a zipper to contend with though?


Glad you like it! More of that soon, but yeah I was definitely trying to channel Burger Palace vibes.