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Another piece for the archive. Deemed too hot for tumblr, when it did it's whole puritanical aboutface or whatever. 

This time it's my first attempt at some very simple animation, as well as a short story about a girl stuck in a bad situation needing to let off a little steam. I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did considering how I tried to go about doing it (the wrong way basically). I think my favorite part about the gif are the subtle little blinks & motions of the girls in the background.


There weren’t many upsides to this whole situation in which Trisha found herself. Beyond, you know, the whole, obvious “unwittingly-becoming-a-giant-spherical-blimp” thing being a huge downer in its own right, what followed hadn’t been a great deal better.

Take the ride for instance. If suddenly ballooning into the awkward, helpless shape she was now hadn’t already been traumatic enough, she was then unceremoniously hoisted up onto the the back of a flatbed the EMT’s had to hire just to get her moved. And while they tried to throw a tarp around her in an attempt to not utterly humiliate her, the dumb thing kept blowing off her every couple hundred yards, leaving her to be paraded down the street, a giant, naked, swollen mass. After the fourth or fifth time, the driver stopped getting out to reapply the damn thing, leaving her to literally flap in the breeze for the better part of the trip.

After a rocky, freezing, twenty mile journey outside of town, the truck eventually brought her here, to this strange facility, not some hospital. Turns out what had happened to her? It wasn’t just some freak anomaly. Turns out, there was actually something of a mini epidemic going on, leaving a bunch of women afflicted in much the same way she had been. An epidemic of what exactly? She couldn’t get a straight answer on that one. Just that “the medical team were working on a cure,” & that they’d keep her in “Observation” in the mean time.

By Observation? They had meant a giant, hangar-like room that had been set up on the fly. It was made to be more conducive for the clinicians & medical team rather than be made more comfortable for “patients” like her. And at first? Trisha got it. She was no primadonna. She understood that line of thinking: optimize it for the doctors, get that resulting cure quicker. But it still didn’t make the room any better either. Like despite the massive square footage, it still felt kind of cramped, given just how many girls there were, how big each of them were, & in a few cases, how much bigger some of them were still getting. Beyond that, it was a bit on the chilly side, & brightly lit at all hours.

Worst of all, there was just nothing to do! Not even a TV mounted up on a wall somewhere. Granted, given their size & shape, there wasn’t much any patients could really do, but it didn’t make the whole experience any less mind-numbing. Given that incapability, many of the other girls tried to simply sleep away the time. But between the lights, the constant din of moaning & crying, & the ever-looming threat of further “growth spurts,” Trisha found that nearly impossible (despite being thoroughly exhausted). Without sleep, the only thing else left to do was let the monotony set in, & hope that cure came as soon as possible.

But she’d been here, trying to hold out hope of that cure for ages now. Okay, so maybe it was only the better part of a week. But still, with so little else to do, it really felt like ages. At this rate, she started to have her doubts, & began to resign herself to the idea of being stuck the way she was for the long haul. And part of that long haul seemed like feeling herself go legit insane from the boredom. That was, of course, until this very morning, when she made a interesting discovery.

It happened during her standard morning check up, one of the four times a day members of the medical team went around in low grade safe suits to check on each of the patients’ vitals & measurements. According to them, Trisha was looking quite a bit bigger than she had yesterday. And while she herself hadn’t particularly noticed any growth spurts, she certainly didn’t feel any smaller, either.

“My feet,” she strained to speak. With so much internal pressure going on inside of her, it was tough to get enough air, so she hadn’t been saying all too much. That cause her voice to sound weak & timid from underuse. “I can… I can hardly just… touch the ground… with my tippy-toes any more…” She winced, trying to demonstrate stretching out her almost now vestigial feet. She thought she would’ve felt something by now, still kicking her toes with the limited range of motion she still had left. “Too much… of the rest of me’s… getting… in the way now.”

“577? One of the team members, who had cinched measuring tape around her called out to another with a clipboard. She assumed it was her new, current waist size, probably, realistically, in centimeters, but by her own exaggerated account, she wasn’t about to rule out inches for one second.

“But you can still touch the ground though, right?” the medic with the clipboard asked Trisha. It took her a second to register, seeing as it was the thing said directly to her in days, since being told she was being taken to Observation. The medical team hadn’t seemed to make much of a habit of fraternizing with the patients.

“Just… about…” she struggled now. More than when she had tried just a few minutes before.

“Here.” the team member assisted, giving her a very delicate push to her one side. At first, she winced, the pressure within her getting displaced. But then, Trisha started to pivot on the only portion of her that was still touching the ground: the very tender region between her legs. Teetering on it in such a way, with just that slight bit of force? All it had to do was rub in a certain way to send a strong, ecstatic shock through her system. It was a sensation unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Delightful, & sort of addictive, seeing as she wanted to try it again immediately. “Well?“ the medical team seemed to wait impatiently. Trisha snapped out of the fluster she hoped was not too apparent. “You can still just about touch it, right?”

“Oh, uh…” she felt around, stretching her left foot as much as she could. Now that she was slightly skewed off center, she could get a much better foothold with just a little bit of effort. “Yes. Um…” she kicked off it with a strong push & landed firmly onto her right foot. The sensation occurred again at about the half way point, stronger this time. She resisted the urge to cry out, but couldn’t keep her eyes from rolling back a bit. “… for… for the the time being… at least.”

“Good. Good.” The doctor said flatly. “Mobility, even if limited, is still very good.” He said, seemingly completely unaware of Trisha’s new discovery. “Let us know if that changes, would you?” As he asked this, Trisha had already kicked off her right foot back towards her left. She couldn’t help but shudder a little this time as she felt the rub.

“Will… do…!” she gulped, trying to hold some of her reaction back. “Any close to a… cure…?” But the medical team had already continued on to the next massive patient. And as they did, Trisha continued to develop what was destined to become her new favorite pastime.

That had been hours ago now, & Trisha was still at it. Rocking back & forth, back & forth, only taking short breaks whenever she got a little too dizzy. It took time & a little practice to get that very best angle but now she was sure she had it. The optimal grind angle. With each kick, a jolt of sheer delight shot up the length of her spine, causing her to join in the room’s chorus of moans, only with a slightly different, more pleasant sounding tone.

She couldn’t help but feel a little strange about it though. Prior to this? Any of this? You would’ve been pretty hard pressed to find a girl more prudish than Trisha. But now? After being blown up into a giant, naked ball of flesh, & forced to stare at the four walls for a couple days? After this sudden revelation? She felt like this massive, weird deviant, getting off multiple times in the middle of this crowded room. Back… And then forth. It just felt so good. She thanked her lucky stars for all those years she spent swimming competitively back in high school in college. She almost couldn’t help herself at this point. She hadn’t even though about stopping. Could she even? Shit, could the other girls see her? Did they know what she was up to? Did it dawn on anybody on the medical team? If so, no one seemed to be letting on. But she wasn’t being very discreet about it either. And it felt like there was a puddle forming underneath her now at this point, considering. Oh god! They know! They just had to know! She was probably going to get called out for it any second now, she just knew it! It was only a matter of time before she got caught! Wait? Holy shit! Was the thought of getting caught part of it? She kicked off harder. Oh Jesus, she shuddered to herself. She didn’t want it to stop! She didn’t want it to ever stop! Oh god, the feel of it, the feel of her whole weight pressing down & grinding into the floor all the more, it was unlike anything ever! She had to keep it up! Had to keep going! Back & forth. Back & forth. Keep the rhythm. She wasn’t about to willingly stop! The only way she’d ever want it to stop was if they came up cure right that! Actually? Maybe not. Wait… Did she really just think that?! She couldn’t be in right mind right now. Oh god, but the way this felt? Fuck, maybe she could go on like this forever. Who cares, as long as it felt this good. Oh fuck!! She was on the edge again. Her leg muscles were getting weak now. But as she leaned on her left, she realized it was only going to take one more kick & then…

It came without warning, sending an uncontrollable jolt throughout her entire body.

“What?!” Trisha cried out loud. She had been caught completely off guard by a sudden growth spurt. Her round, swollen body bobbled & quaked as it suddenly grew all the more rounder. The expanse of her body was now starting to try & press past her hands & her feet. “No… No!” she struggled. Just that one last kick! As she felt her body slowly raising her off her left foot’s hold, she tried to push off with everything she had, growing all the while. Instead of landing on her right foot like she had been doing all along, her seemed to stall out a little before half way. “Nononono No!” Luckily, with a bit of struggling, she started to teeter back towards her left. A second chance!

This time, even less of her tippy toe touched. She tried to kick off of it, as hard as she possibly could with her sore & tired left leg muscles. But something went wrong. Again, she got to just about half way, before slowing, & then suddenly starting to rock backwards, teetering more onto what would’ve been her ass, if it all wasn’t part of the same sphere.

“What?! No!!” she cried, kicking her feet & flapping her hands. They were almost starting to sink into divots as her body bloated past them, but all were very stranded. Far, far off the ground & far from anything else to push off of. As she came to a rest, she realized she was stuck at sort of a 45 degree angle, favoring a view of the ceiling more than anything else. “So much… for… that.” she winced to herself, feeling herself grow all the more helpless.

She didn’t know if she was the biggest girl in the room at this point, but she felt bigger than the other girls in her very narrow field of vision seemed to look. But deep down, she didn’t care about that. Not any more. Who cares if she was the biggest? More than anything, right now? She just wanted to go back to rocking. “He-ungh!” she strained, desperately trying to throw her weight forward. “Heee-uunnnnnghhh!” she strained harder. No use. She took a deep breath, letting her eyes rest on the ceiling. It was even less interesting than the four walls she could see before. And the lights were directly in her eyes now. And having only stopped rocking in the past fifteen seconds, the monotony already began to set back in quick.

“A… little… h-h-help?” she cooed helplessly, holding out hope that maybe she could convince somebody into helping her upright, & maybe, just maybe rocking her again manually. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to answer. 




Really love this! The aftermath of inflation is never talked about enough!